072 | From Chaos to Consciousness | Interview with Nichole Sylvester


Hey mamas! This episode is incredible.  Nichole shares an incredibly vulnerable and frightening story that turns into purpose, passion and is making a difference in this world.

Nichole Sylvester is a bestselling author, spiritual teacher, podcaster and creator of The Harmonious Hustle. Her story of radical transformation has inspired her audience to dig deeper and uncover their latent potential. After recovering from addiction and escaping violent abuse, Nichole dramatically turned her life around via spiritual practice. Studying with profound teachers all over the world, she soon went from struggling single mom to operating a half-million dollar business helping others step into their greatness.

Nichole’s coaching programs, online workshops, live events and international retreats have supported thousands of women and men in transformation.

To learn more, please visit www.nicholesylvester.com

And if you loved this episode let Nichole and I know! Post and tag us on Instagram or Facebook! What was your biggest takeaway?

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I’m Julie Ciardi!

I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.

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