Want consistent revenue? Want some accountability or coaching? Want to create a six figure business and keep scaling?? It’s all about the repetition of the basics that will get you to your six figures. But the life of an entrepreneur is not easy and we need each other’s support!
In this episode, I talk about why making an investment in a one year coaching program will fast track you to six figures and help you scale your business. I know that when you do something you have never done before, it can be really scary. I talk about my entrepreneurial journey and how I had to make investments to move forward and ultimately have a profitable business.
The great news is that Ignite University is OPEN again! If you are ready to fast track your side hustle growth so that you make money attracting your ideal customer with ease and joy, then this is the program for you. Click here to learn more >> SIGN UP FOR IGNITE UNIVERSITY!
You can also join me in the free Facebook Group where we have weekly trainings and great resources. Click HERE to join the Side Hustle Igniter Squad Facebook Group.