This is our first episode where we dive into what PR is and why it is important to add into your business…NOW! I’m so glad that Danielle Jackson came on to talk to us about this…she knows her stuff. Her journey is incredible as she ventured from her teaching job to the PR world. She also gives you some practical tips when it comes to what you can do next if you are wanting to add PR to your business strategy. You do not want to skip over this episode because you will be inspired by Danielle just as much as I was!
Danielle Bayard (rhymes with “tired”) Jackson is the founder of TELL Public Relations, an agency based in Florida that is dedicated to helping female entrepreneurs get the shine they deserve. After serving as a high school teacher for six years, she ventured into the world of public relations. Now she uses her experience in both the classroom and the boardroom to teach women in business how to DIY their own publicity. Having earned placements with NBC News, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and Insider, she and her all-female team help bring more attention to the great things that women are doing in their businesses.
More info on Danielle:
Julie’s Info:
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