353 | Top 3 Social Media Mistakes Preventing 10K Months in Your Business
Are you working to get to 10K months in your business and are frustrated with the lack of results? I get it. I was there. It took me two years to get my business to the 10K mark. In this blog post, I'm going to share the top three mistakes I see preventing the 10K breakthrough and what to do about them.
Working hard on your business but not getting the results that you desire starts to really wear on you. Well, the work you are doing might not be the right work and this will cause major burnout. Here I’ll talk about what to do instead.
I think business is simple. You might not feel this way right now and rightly so. It truly is the wild, wild west out there. There are tons of shiny new strategies and tactics that are all positioned to be the ONE thing that is going to create the coveted 10K months in your business. I’ve noticed that most entrepreneurs feel like they're bouncing from thing to thing, trying this and that, and it's totally frustrating because they can't crack the 10K recurring monthly revenue, and this might be you as well.
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Here are some of the things that I'm seeing that are happening right now.
Social Media Can Be Intimidating:
If you look at anyone that is being successful in the online marketing space and they're on Instagram or TikTok, it can seem that everything looks so perfect and they’re keeping up with every trend imaginable – perfectly choreographed dances, the “right” audio, etc.! It can be daunting as a new entrepreneur to feel like you have to keep up and be just as perfect in order to be successful.
Not only is everything leveled up in terms of how people are showing up, but then you couple that with all the platforms that are out there. You've got YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram. I mean you just keep going, right? Sure, a new one will come out at some point and it can be really, really overwhelming, especially when you're first starting out.
And what I want to be able to do is to really help you to shift your mindset about this and get you going, because I still believe that having an online presence is really, really powerful. And here's why. If you have a website and an email list that is about as far away from someone being able to really connect with you as you can get right now. The written word, while great, misses the mark on being able to really show who someone is. And so many of you are selling products and services where you need to get the trust, the buy-in, the likability of you in addition to your services and products. And it is really hard to do that in email and website.
You want to think about social media as your place to connect with your dream clients so they can see who you are, how you can serve them, how they should connect with you next, giving them value. That's the place people are going to go. Let's say you're a guest on someone's podcast. Often people are going to check you out, and where do they go? They're going to go to Instagram. It's fascinating. I don't think people are going and Googling it as much as maybe they once were. I think they're going on Instagram and thinking that, “Oh, if this person's on a podcast, and they're a coach or they're selling these things, they must be on Instagram.” And people want the visual look. They want to get a vibe about the person that they might be interested in buying from.
Everything being perfect, dancing like Paula Abdul choreographed you, all the things. It causes one of two big things that happen.
It's either perfectionism paralysis where you're like, “I could never do that, so I'm not doing it at all.” And that's sometimes where I land. I'm like, “Well, I can't dance like that, so there's no way I'm doing a dancing reel or there's no way I'm doing this.” And then I shut down because I want it to be perfect before I put it out there. And if it's something that I know that I'm just never going to be perfect at like dancing, then it just causes a ton of churn and no progress forward.
The flip side of that is I see people that maybe shouldn't be dancing, and pointing, and doing things on reels and it's super messy, like super messy. And it's not that I don't think you should do something messy. I'm a big fan of it, in fact, but messy with some order, because you still want to make sure that the content you're creating is still professional. It's still going to stand out to your dream client that this is someone that I want to work with.
So it's fascinating. I see two sides of this. I see the person that is overly perfectionist and either they're in paralysis, or they're overly perfectionist and there's no warmth and character coming through the content, because it's just all i’s dotted and t’s crossed perfect. Or the super messy where it just is not like jiving with the brand. It's not fitting with the message that you're trying to convey and it's not your thing. It's just if dancing on TikTok or Instagram is not your thing, don't do it. You don't have to. Right? And I'm going to give you some tips on what you can do instead a little further down.
Caring What Other People Think
This is the other big mistake I see a lot, and this one even slowed me down until I figured it out. When you show up on Instagram stories, or you do Reels and all of a sudden you see it's your brother-in-law watching, or an old colleague from work that you didn't really like very much, or it's your cousin or an old high school friend, sometimes that can stop us from really putting ourselves out there. It stops us from delivering the message to our dream client, and when we stifle what we're saying, and we stifle how we're showing up because other people that are not our dream client are watching, that is going to have a big impact.
And so, I want you to just start thinking differently. I want you to really start to look at creating a social media strategy that really works for you and your dream client.
How Can You Make Social Media Work for You & for Creating 10K Months?
Let's get past perfectionism paralysis. Let's get past the worry about it not looking perfect. Let's also step it up so that it's on brand and totally appropriate for your dream client. Let's let go of what other people are thinking or who else is showing up. It's none of their business and that's not who we're talking to. We're talking to our dream client.
This is why I'm not a fan of using your personal Facebook page as your primary social media venue because most of the people there are not your dream client. And then you're going to feel weird talking out there into a sea of relatives, and former schoolmates, and people you work with. Of course you're going to feel weird. Pick a platform that you know your dream client's going to be on, and show up for her! When you show up for her, things will dramatically change.
Here are my top three tips to help you start really putting yourself out there in a more bold way on your social media platform of choice.
1. Choose Your Style
My big recommendation is you've got to be in alignment with what works for you. For me, I can't dance. I'm not doing dancing reels. It's not in my DNA to be an actress and try to create scripts and things like that in reels. It's just not my jam. So, I have decided that that's not something I'm going to do, but I do like to serve and I like to give content that helps people. Therefore, when I do a reel, it's just me talking. It's just me talking to the camera to my dream client to give her my advice and my tips. Look for others that have a style that really vibes with you and use them as inspiration.
We're not trying to copy, but you're trying to actually make sure that you're getting ideas and motivation from people that have a style of content creation that is similar to what you want to do. Then, I highly recommend you stop watching the ones that trigger comparison for you. If it's style, if it's an approach, that's not what you're going to do. Stop looking at it. Stop letting that come into your mind and mess with your mind. Choose your style. Get inspiration from others that are doing a style that you feel like you could get on board with. When I saw people like Alex Hormozi literally doing, talking to camera to deliver value that people really care about, that's when I said, “That's my style. That's how I like to roll.” And I started to watch what he's doing. That's what you want to do.
2. It's All About Your Dream Client
You want to create social media content for your dream client. You want to show up on social media with your style, but for her. Remember, we're not just using social media to show up and show people what we look like and what we're doing. We're trying to get our dream client to say, “Wait a minute, she knows my problem. She has a solution. I want to learn more.” We want them to eventually buy from us so that we're making money. Because if we're not making money, we do not have a business. So remember why you're there. It's about your dream client, it's not about you.
3. Pick One Platform
I always tell my clients to pick one platform where they know their ideal client is hanging out, and get super consistent and persistent on that one platform. That is so key. No one is going to buy from you because you made three posts in a week. That's what I always hear, “I put three posts out and no one's booked a consult.” It's so important that you pick one platform and you get super consistent and be persistent. Decide that for the next 30 days, you are going to post content that's for your dream client in your style, and do it every single day for 30 days. I guarantee you, you will start to see something shift in your business.
If you want ideas and help with your style, who your dream client is, getting your messaging dialed in, and knowing which platform you should choose, join us in the BE the CEO Membership. That's where I can help you.
This could be the opportunity for me to work with you on your dream client, on your style on social media and the core messaging that you want to bring to the world.
Let's Recap
If you want to make 10K months in your business, having a social media presence is important, but you can do it your way. The key is that we want to get over the idea that social media platforms are intimidating. We want to understand that we don't have to dance perfectly, although if you can dance, go for it, right? But letting go of perfectionism is key. When you start to think so much about your dream client, you're going to let go of the perfectionism because you want to be there in service to her.
That's what you're doing, right? You are here to serve so that they can know who you are, that you understand the problems that they have, that you have a solution to their problems, and the next steps that they should take with you. That's what we're using social media for, not to be perfect at social media, right? There’s a big difference there. We're there to show up and to serve. I also want you to take the challenge that I just issued for 30 days. Show up on one platform, creating content in your style, speaking just to your person. How can you help her sit down and make a list of all the problems that she's facing. Start there because when someone sees that you know their problems and you have a solution, they're going to be interested.
Now, if you want help with any of this, just join the BE the CEO Membership. My monthly membership designed to help you get to 10 K months.
It's time to take action differently than you've been taking it. So instead of the next course, or free podcast, or trying to navigate all the piece parts on Google and YouTube, I want to invite you to give the BE the CEO Membership a try. It's for female entrepreneurs only, just like you, who are looking to create their dream business that will give you choice and freedom in your life.
I priced it in a way that you can come in, you can check it out, there's no obligation, and if it is not where you want to be, you can leave. Open door guarantee. So, I would love to invite you in to check it out. If it's not for you, that's okay. And that's why I decided to create the membership this way. When a membership is only open a few times a year or if you have to stay in a membership for 12 months minimum, oftentimes, not always, but oftentimes it's just marketing tactics. And I've decided to really meet you where you are, where you can come in and you can check it out. If it's not right for you, you can go.
That's your right. And I think that it is totally okay. I personally think you're going to fall in love with the community of female entrepreneurs. You're going to absolutely be in awe of what we bring to the table, the value, the coaching, the content, and so much more.
I really hope that this blog post brought you closer to believing that your dream business is possible. If you want to continue the conversation, be sure to join IGNITE Her Society. It's our free community where there are free trainings, you have an opportunity to ask me questions, can receive daily coaching and motivation, and so much more!
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I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.
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