357 | Part 2: Why Coaching is the Perfect Business
If you’ve been following along, this is Part 2 of a three part blog series on why becoming a coach can change your life. Starting and growing a coaching business is one of the most rewarding, both financially and for my own wellbeing, things that I've ever done in my life. The cool part is, is that as my business grows, it means more women are being served and supported and it's just amazing.
I want to talk about a few more things around being a coach, and I want to remind you that if you're interested in learning more, if you want to understand what it means to be a coach, how to become a coach, if you have questions, maybe something that might be unique to you, please come to my next free private session. It's on March 14th. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!
Listen to the Corresponding Podcast Episode:
Asking the Right Questions?
There is this confidence barrier that I find that a lot of women that want to become a coach have, but thoughts like, “what will people think,” or “can I do this,” they're questions that stop us. And, I want to tell you that it's really important to understand how questions and the thoughts and questions we have in our mind affect our life. One of my favorite Tony Robbins quotes it, “the quality of our life is directly related to the questions that we ask ourselves.” You might have the desire to have your own business, but fear or lack of confidence might be holding you back. So, I invite you to ask yourself better questions.
What will life be like with my own coaching business?
How many lives could I impact?
What changes in my life if I'm making more money?
You don't need to have confidence to become a coach. You actually just need courage. And then, the confidence will follow. I have to say that me asking those kinds of questions and starting to think differently changed my life. Leaving the day job changed my world. I became a happier person when I left my day job. Leaving a 20 year very successful career at IBM was one of the hardest things I've ever done. It is also the single best decision I have ever made that had a radical impact on my happiness. So, you have to ask yourself questions like, “Am I happy in my career?”
Are You Living a Lukewarm Life
I don't know about you, but I don't don't want to live life lukewarm, at all. I have happiness in what I do Monday through Friday. And, because I have happiness in what I do Monday through Friday, it actually has a beautiful ripple effect on my parenting and my marriage as well. Because, when we're happy, everyone we care about feels it too. So, just know that if you're struggling with confidence on being a coach, or can I do this, ask yourself some better questions. And then, also just ask yourself the big question, “how happy am I right now?”
How happy am I in what I am doing Monday through Friday? Is it luke warm? Is it actually toxic? Do I not love it? Where is that at for you? And, start to ask yourself, what would life be like if I left my day job and I was actually a coach full time. We have a client who… She hasn't left the day job yet, but she had taken a little time off and she was working on her business and she was like, “Wow, I can't wait till this is what I get to do every week.” She got a taste of having her days not being spent in a job she doesn't love, but actually in building a business, a coaching business. It just gave her so much excitement and energy to keep going because that's the kind of lifestyle that she wants to have.
Not Sure Where to Land Clients?
Another question that comes up for people that are thinking about becoming a coach is where are they going to find clients? Here's what I'm going to tell you. Everyone needs a coach. Finding clients does not have to be hard. When I say everyone needs a coach at some point in their life, they really do. There's therapy and there's coaching, and they're wildly different. And, more than any other time in history, coaching is needed to help people move forward to create futures they want rather than staying stuck and neutral about life.
That means there are clients everywhere. I don't know about you, but I feel like most people that I know are feeling like they're stuck and trapped and constrained and are fairly neutral about how they're making a living and what they're doing. It means there's clients everywhere. What we do, what we teach our coaching students, is really a two phase process to finding clients.
Phase one is how to launch to your warm market, all the people you already know and that are already in your network. You've been a human on this planet. You have a network. You have people that know you. And, if we just said everyone needs coaching at some point, you can absolutely land your first clients from your warm network.
Phase two is how to find and create clients outside of your current network. We use a simple process called the 10K Marketing Framework, and we help you be able to create a framework to find clients outside of your network and grow to that 10K a month mark. Why the 10K a month mark? That's a six figure business, and that can change your life.
What’s so unique about our coaching program is that we certify you to be a coach and we teach you how to start and grow your business to the first six figures, which is so incredibly powerful. Because, again, when your business is a six figure business, it's making over $100,000, you get freedom and choice. So, we teach you how to be a coach, and we also teach you how to grow your business, which is so incredibly powerful.
CLICK HERE to see a client success story on how it’s going in her business!
Impact & Ripple Effect
We’ve had several women now that have come through our coach program, who say that their marriages were saved. Wow. I don't know about you, but words like that just reiterate the fact that coaching is one of the most impactful jobs on the planet. And, the fact that people are saying things like, “My marriage has been saved,” or “I've never been happier,” or “I've stopped yelling at my children,” is huge.
Think of that ripple effect. There is nothing more powerful than helping another human create transformation in their life. These are some of the things that clients have told me.
My marriage has been saved.
I don't yell at my kids anymore.
I gave notice at my job.
I am so much happier.
I am excited for my future.
And, there really isn't more meaningful work on the planet than those things. So, imagine being able to help someone change the course of their life, going deeper in their relationships, better health, happiness, wealth. I wouldn't want to do anything else. I often get asked the difference between therapy and coaching, and I really do believe that therapy and other modalities help to heal the past where coaching really helps to create the future.
You're Qualified!
I know sometimes people don’t feel like they’re necessarily qualified to be a coach. We're not training you and certifying you in how to help heal someone from a past trauma or a past memory or all of those things. We're helping you become a coach that helps their clients start the process of creating goals, and then going after those goals. They’re shifting who they're being on their journey towards those goals. That's the gist of it. Your clients, when you become a coach and you have clients, they may also be getting therapy at the same time. Therapists are not helping them plan and create future results and all of these things.
So, there could be clients of yours, and this happens for our clients too, that they're working with me to help them become coaches and they work with us to help them discover their purpose and create these big goals in all of the things. But then, they're also working with an energy healer or a therapist or doing some deeper meditative work, which is awesome. So, don't count yourself out when you're like, “Well, I'm not a therapist and I don't know how to help heal someone.” That's not what we're training you to do at all. We are training you to be a mindset coach. Helping someone create new results in their life. It's so powerful. The future is ours to create, and a coach can help to create that future. It's so incredibly powerful.
Do I Have to Have a Niche?
The other big question that I get is, “I want to be a coach, but I don’t have a niche. Do I have to?” We teach you how to launch to your warm market without a niche. If you have one, great. But, if not, what we do is just have you launch to your warm market as a general mindset coach. Then, we're going to give you the tools and the marketing framework to make sure that you have a niche because that's how you're going to grow. I think, and many, many, many entrepreneurs will say this, that the riches are in the niches. If you know your niche, great. Dive right in. But, many won't know, and you need to explore a bit before zeroing in on a niche. That is what I did. And, we teach you how to launch your coaching business without a niche, test who you actually love to coach, then define the niche. I thought I wanted to help divorced moms. But, after coaching different niches, I fell in love with coaching women that wanted to create dream businesses. That is my jam. That is what I love. And, that's who I love to coach.
As you begin to market to the rest of the world, we help you niche to a dream client who has a specific set of problems that you help her with, and a specific set of results that she wants to create. It's one of my favorite things to do with clients, honestly. I love being able to help create the niche. It's so fun.
Simplicity is Key
Again, what creates such a unique element to our coach certification program is that I'm about simple. I'm about keeping things very simple so that you can see results. Our coach certification program is actually fairly simple because we want you to be able to go and help clients in a simple way as well. This isn't actually that complicated, but we make it complicated.
Everything you see out in the social media land, it seems complicated. It doesn't have to be complicated. So, simple is a word I absolutely love. We teach you how to become a coach in what I believe is a simplified way to be a coach. We then make sure that you're practicing being a coach. We do things like practicums and you get to practice being a coach. And, the other thing that we do is we help you with a simplified marketing, sales and delivery plan. You’ve got to have the marketing, you’ve got to know how to sell, and then you actually need to know what you're going to deliver. What does my coaching program look like? How is that going to work? That's so critical that you get that nailed down. Our program does both. It brings it together.
Want to Learn More?
If you're curious, if you are getting a hunch that maybe coaching and launching your own coaching business is simpler than you've been thinking it might be, and you’re seeing how it can allow you to have more freedom and choice in your life, I highly recommend that you register for the upcoming info session with us. It's free. Get your invite here to the next free info session where I can answer your questions.
We're going to talk deeper about our coaching program, how it works, what it costs, how you enroll, and all the other questions you might have. Register here!
The cool part is that if you come and you learn and it's something that you want to do, you'll be in a position to launch your coaching business by summer. Which, I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty exciting. I know it was exciting for me when I was ready to do just that.
I hope that this brought you closer to believing your dream business is possible. Want to continue the conversation? Be sure to join the free IGNITE Her Society for more free trainings, community, and an ask me anything opportunity. CLICK HERE TO JOIN.
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I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.
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