Your personal brand is crucial to the success of your business. In fact, it's so important that it is the key to go from being mostly invisible online to really being able to connect and find your dream clients. It’s actually more so that your dream clients can feel and see that you are the right solution for them.
Do you feel like you are posting every day, yet not creating the sales that you desire or not even landing consults? Or do you have little to no engagement on your posts, stories and reels? Maybe you're frustrated and have disbelief that your business can actually be successful and create income for you and your family. Or maybe you're feeling like you're just doing all the things, yet you're not seeing the results.
We feel this way usually for a few reasons. There's a reason why this is happening, which is good news because if there's a reason why you're feeling like that or if any of that resonated with you, there's a solution behind it, and we can change it.
Listen to the Corresponding Podcast Episode:
Common Mistakes I See
What I find are the key mistakes that are happening, and some of it isn’t even your fault! It is what is being taught, and also what is not being taught. Here's some of the mistakes that I see happen a lot that's causing some of those problems.
One is that you're promoting the offer, the service, your freebie, your consult, your program too much without value, without connection. We want to promote what we actually sell, of course, but we also have to show up and help give our dream clients a new perspective, or to share a story that they can relate to see what is possible. That’s because you have to have them understand that you see what their problems are and that there's a solution, and you’re maybe even giving them a part of that solution in your free content.
Another huge mistake that's happening, and I know it's challenging, I know it's hard, it's why we focus so much time and energy on this inside BE the CEO Membership, and that is around your niche. There's very nebulous messaging happening out there. I call it nebulous messaging to everyone. What I mean by nebulous is just very airy, not clear, not grounded messaging. It is things like, “have your most abundant life” or “find your purpose.” Trust me, I've learned the hard way that it doesn't work. You might get some interest, but it is almost impossible to get sales. You know you have nebulous messaging when people say to you, “Oh my gosh, I love your stuff,” or “Yeah girl, I totally agree with what you're putting out there,” and then they don't buy anything. It’s just too broad and too vague.
Nebulous messaging bleeds into the next big mistake that happens, which is that your content looks like every other person’s in your industry. That can be a real problem because if it looks like everybody else's stuff, people aren't going to stop scrolling. They're not going to go in deeper to connect or take whatever call to action that you've been putting on that post.
Then, the final mistake is really this posting and praying method that we sometimes fall into. Creating a post and then just hoping and praying that someone's going to see your post and it will automatically turn into a sale. This doesn't work like that. It's very rare that it does. Think of how you buy.
Avoid Burnout
These mistakes are not only costly because you're not making money in your business, but it can really, really make you burned out. What's happening is that these mistakes cause no connection between you and potential leads and prospects. Before they can ever become a client, they need to become a lead and a prospect, and they need to connect with you. But those mistakes are leading to no connection.
No connection leads to no belief that you can help them. If they do not have belief that you can help them, trust me, that will equate into no sales. What starts to happen is rather than your marketing being magnetic, it can become repulsive. I don't mean repulsive like, ew, gross. I mean repulsive in that it's preventing sales from coming your way. It's preventing the money from coming towards you. Why does money come towards you? Why does money go into your bank account for your business? When someone gets a connection with you, believes that you can help them, and then gives you money in exchange for the solution to the problem that they have. That's it. That's the basics of business.
How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market
One of the big ways that you can start to stand out in a very crowded online marketplace is making sure that you're developing a personal brand. A personal brand is going to be such an important way for you to be able to create that connection, foster that belief, and make the sales. I promise.
Let's talk a little bit about what a personal brand is. I like to think of these words when I think of personal brand:
It is a purpose.
It is a mission.
It is a vibe.
It is authentic.
It is magnetic.
It builds trust, which then builds connection, which then creates that belief that we were just talking about
Your personal brand, if you do it right, embodies your purpose, embodies your mission, has a vibe and energy to it. It's authentic to you. It creates a magnet out into the world for your dream clients only, which then develops trust with those dream clients, creates the connection, and ultimately develops the belief so that they buy from you.
People do not buy a product. They do not buy a coaching program. They don't join a team. They don't buy services. They buy belief. They buy the belief that what you have to offer is going to solve a problem for them.
They actually don't know that it's going to actually 100% solve their problem. They can't know until they actually give you money. Think about this for a minute. You might think that you have the best product, the best service, the best opportunity, the best thing since sliced bread. Your potential customer can never know that until they actually give you money. It's kind of ironic. You could have the most amazing thing going, but they'll never know. Your customer will never know what that is if you don't instill belief in them. So, the number one thing you're actually doing when you are selling, when you are marketing, is you're trying to build their belief.
I always tell my clients, you've got to always be asking yourself, what do my clients, what do my prospective clients need to know, need to believe, need to see, need to know to actually give me money to check this out? If you're always asking yourself that question, it's really powerful. How do we build belief? Your personal brand is a huge, huge component. It's your superpower, in fact, to creating that belief. That's the core.
Four Core Elements to Your Personal Brand
We talk about four core elements to your personal brand. Little hint here, the colors and style fonts and all that stuff is the last one. In fact, I don't recommend that you even focus on that until you've done the first three.
We go deep on this inside BE the CEO. The whole month of March, we are focusing on building your personal brand. We have a workshop with a workbook so that you can actually do the work I'm about to share with you, these four steps. You can get it done and start implementing it.
1. Your Dream Client
Who's your dream client? I wouldn't spend much time at all on any kind of personal brand until you know who the heck you're showing up with that personal brand to serve. What's the point? We're not just talking to the wall. You got to be talking to your dream client. We have exercises and worksheets inside of BE the CEO, where we actually help you to craft that dream client. I believe we teach dream client work in a way that no one else does.
2. Niche Manifesto
Your niche manifesto is when you create this single statement that becomes the foundation of how you understand your dream client, that you have a solution to help them with their biggest problem. Everything comes behind that. Everything comes around your dream client and your niche manifesto. It’s so important.
3. Brand Code
Your brand code is about four words that help to embody what your brand, your mission, your purpose is all about.
4. Your Brand Image
Your brand image is all about the colors and the fonts and all that fun stuff that comes with creating your business.
Those are the four core requirements that are absolutely non-negotiable when it comes to your personal brand. Remember, it is your superpower.
One Last Note
Something that is so important to understand about your personal brand is your identity and shifting who you are being. This was something that I started to really understand back in 2019 when I was struggling to grow my business. I thought I had my personal brand all set, and everything was beautiful, but I was really struggling to get my business to the $10,000 a month mark. I had heard the word identity and that I needed to shift who I was being.
It really all came full circle when I started to work with Bob Proctor. He said that, “You can't outperform your self-image,” meaning you cannot outperform how you see yourself. So, the fake-it-til-you-make-it usually doesn't work that well. We are constantly putting ourselves into uncomfortable situations to put ourselves out there in a bigger and bolder way. But, we will tap out and limit our growth and our business and in our marketing and all the things when we are limited in how we see ourselves.
Self-Image is the Key
The effectiveness of your marketing comes down to two huge things. Yes, your brand image, what your business image is, what that brand image looks like. But, equally as important, it's your self-image. Your brand image and your self-image are two sides of the same coin to actually achieve growth. It's why inside of BE the CEO Membership, we couple the business, the brand, the how-to, all of that to get to 10K months in your business, with our foundational program for mindset and self-image growth. It's called BEcoming Her is the Secret. So it's combined inside of our membership because it is that powerful.
When you join us in BE the CEO Membership, we give you a getting started guide and it combines both where to start from a business standpoint AND where to start in the BEcoming Her is the Secret foundational program, so that you're working on the inner work at the same time you're doing the outer work.
Start Working on Your Personal Brand
I highly invite you to start thinking about the power of your personal brand, deciding that you're going to actually learn how to build one the right way, and then join us for this month in BE the CEO, so that we can help you actually do it. Learning something and knowing something does not equal doing something. We want to teach you both, how to know something and then actually also how to do it.
We limit ourselves in the doing and the action based on how we see ourselves. That's why we combine this in the most powerful membership to get to $10,000 months that I believe exists out there.
Go to, and we will welcome you with open arms, get you started, and get to work on your superpower, your personal brand!
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I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.
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