389 | How I Use the Gene Keys with Clients in My Coaching Business

Let's talk about how I'm using Gene Keys as a tool in my coaching business. I will start by noting that I have been on a continuous pursuit of helping my clients get breakthroughs, transformation, and different results in their life. The challenge has been that some have gotten transformations, others have not. Some are taking bold actions, some are not. That continues to be the case. I think that's true of any coaching business out there. Any business where the individual client needs to shift and change and take action. As coaches, we can't ever actually get the results for our clients. They have to take action. They have to do the work. It can be really challenging because you become a coach because you want to help all of your clients achieve the results they have hired you to help them with.

In my journey of being a coach, from the time that I got certified as a life coach in the Life Coach School, through working with Bob and getting certified in Bob Proctor's mindset certification and consultancy, I really have been on a search to find ways to help my clients get true transformation and real results. Every time that I ask the question to the universe, to God of how I can further help my clients, it's amazing to me what then g

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My Business Tool Evolution

I often joke that with Bob Proctor, especially, I did not know who he was. I did not know the name. Which is shocking to me because I've been in the personal development space for quite some time. I am an avid book reader and podcast listener, but for the first several years of my coaching business, I did not know who Bob Proctor was. I even saw the movie and read the book, The Secret, and I don’t remember that name. I actually think that that happened on purpose. The student wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to hear his message at that time.

The same thing is true for the Enneagram, for Human Design, for even the Life Coach School. I had never heard of it, and I was on that mission to figure out what I was going to do next in my business. I had a brick and mortar boutique for about 18 months at the time, and I knew that that was not going to be the right place for me, especially energetically. Now that I know Human Design and Gene Keys, I could have saved myself a lot of money and time on that because that clearly wasn't going to be the right type of business model for me. Especially as a 2/4 Profile. I was really trying to figure out what was next, and of course, that's when the Life Coach School came across my purview. That's when the whole concept of becoming a coach became a reality for me. That was in 2018, and I just was hooked. I knew that that's what I was meant to do. I knew that I was meant to become a coach and have a coaching business to help be both a coach, a guide, a mentor, as well as a strategist to help women in their business missions and growing their businesses.

After coaching for some time, I was finding that especially women in business, specifically myself and clients would be stuck. They would know what to do in their business, but wouldn't do it. They would hear that they have limiting beliefs, but how could you really know what that limiting belief was? I remember I worked with a coach. It was a VIP Day. It was a very lengthy, very expensive four hour session. When I was in that session, I had the a-ha that I had really been putting so much pressure on myself for my entire family's financial well being, and it was causing so much pressure in my business and on myself. From there, I knew I needed to figure out what was going on and how I can shift this underlying limiting belief that is absolutely killing me.

That's when the Enneagram came into my world. When I was looking at the Enneagram, I knew that I needed to work with someone. I reached out to my friend Tracy O'Malley and had an Enneagram session with her, and worked with her for a few months. That was really eye-opening because how I really felt about the Enneagram was that it can really help you see your blind spots. So, that was really, really pivotal. Then, right after that time, I found Bob and I realized as I started to study with Bob and learn from Bob, that it was these paradigms and limiting beliefs that were the crux of what was holding us back in anything that we wanted to create. I knew that bringing Bob's lessons, Bob's work into my program was going to really help women in business because I taught mindset, but I needed to be able to help them go much, much deeper.

In using Bob Proctor's work as well as the Enneagram, we really started to go much deeper with our clients on where they were stuck and what was holding them back. But even with that, there became a lot of understanding and knowing where some of their blind spots were, but still having a challenge of being aware of what the biggest paradigm was that was holding them back. How do they bust out of this analysis paralysis or being so stuck in their business, they're not actually taking the action required, even though they knew what the actions were. Let's just say that in Bob Proctor speak, the knowing-doing gap was still big. This is when I started to look at the Gene Keys in Human Design, first for myself and then I became such a fan that I knew that I needed to bring it in with my clients.

Leveraging Gene Keys & Human Design

The Gene Keys specifically help you understand the number one challenge and paradigm that you have personally yourself that needs to be broken through. It really gives you a very, very specific shadow pattern, a very specific paradigm, that is holding you back. If you can do the work both in getting coached and in doing self-coaching around this, through that primary paradigm, that primary hurdle, you will have the breakthrough into the outside world of how you're meant to be seen and what you're meant to do. That's how your business grows.

I know for me, working through my primary challenge, which is written clearly in my Gene Key profile, is what has dramatically shifted my brand, how I'm showing up, my excitement, and enthusiasm, my conviction is next level because of this breakthrough. For me, the way that this works in terms of my primary challenge or paradigm when it comes to my business, is that I have been stuck in conflict. This friction between the logical and the “woo.” The inner soul, intuition side of things, and then the business side. I have all of this business and marketing experience, and I totally geek out on helping people in their business, but I also geek out on this idea that it's the inner work. We have to IGNITE Her to have this identity shift to go after what we want. The idea that if we really want to create results in our life, we have to evolve. So, two things were happening from a conflict friction standpoint.
I was keeping them separate in a lot of ways. I mean, once in my programs I was always kind of bringing them together for those that were in business, but I was confusing in the market because I wanted to help everyone IGNITE Her. I started to get too broad and vague in my messaging. I was talking about how to discover your purpose and your true calling which is way too broad. I needed to really dial it in. What I realized is that I had a core conflict with bringing it together very coherently and consistently. I was being too careful in my words and how I was talking about mindset. I literally was in the woo closet. For example, I wouldn't use things like the Gene Keys or Human Design, or even some of the other things that I do behind the scenes with myself because I thought it might be too woo for my clients or for my audience. This conflict caused so much chaos in me. I was not at the right energy and frequency in the world.

I realized how much this is a part of my world and it's a part of my mission, and that my ever-evolving growth will be bringing in more and more of the soul side of things. The deeper inner work and different tools that can help us with the inner work for the purposes of growing a business to have fulfillment and freedom. By doing this work in the Gene Keys and really looking at my primary challenge, I knew I needed to marry the two together and to stop having so much conflict and friction between the woo and the logic, and to just be fully me and stepping into that in a big, bold way. That was a massive breakthrough for me, and it came from really doing the work inside of the Gene Keys and my specific profile.

Using the Gene Keys As a Tool

The reason I'm sharing this with you is that if you could understand the number one thing holding you back from being able to step fully into your brand, into your mission, into the business and the business model that is right for you, the Gene Keys can help you to do that. I also share that with you because imagine having a tool like that when you’re working with clients. You can pull up their Gene Key Profile, maybe you look at that before you're getting into a one-on-one call, and It gives you a window into what their primary challenges and what their primary shadows are. You are going to be able to see them in a much deeper way than any of the words that they're saying, because you've got to remember, their paradigms are talking to you when you go into a coaching session.

When you can see who they are deeper by using the Gene Keys Profile, you can ask really important, almost leading questions. You can structure questions so that you can begin to actually help them to see what's holding them back. The really cool part of the Gene Keys as a tool with your clients, is that you get to go deeper than their paradigms to help them get to the breakthrough through those paradigms.

My Recommendation

You have to have tried a tool for yourself before you can try to leverage it with someone else. I know for me, I really needed to go deep in the Gene Keys and my Human Design for me, for my business before I was going to bring that forward to my clients. There has to be an authenticity in that.

Then, the beautiful part is you actually get to show how you're doing things. Here's my recommendation. I'm going to be doing a lot more with helping coaches and consultants use Gene Keys with their clients. But you’ve got to go first.

My big recommendation is to book a reading and strategy package with me. What we'll do is we'll have your Gene Key Profile and your Body Graph from Human Design, and I'm going to put together a little business blueprint for you. I'm going to give you homework around that so that you can go self-study, self-coach, and then we circle together to do a 90 minute one-on-one session where we go through that blueprint.

Test drive it to see if you want to use it with your clients or not. It's probably the the best step that you can take, so go and check it out!

Book your strategy session here!

I have limited spots available just because I can only take on so many at a time.

I'm just fascinated by the power of this tool to help people have true breakthroughs. I cannot wait to see you in a reading with me and get you set up to have the kind of breakthrough that you would like to have. Then, you can start to learn how to use the tool with your own clients and in your business!

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Gene Keys & Human Design for business?

Your Gene Keys profile & Human Design bodygraph contain so much gold when it comes to business, especially marketing & branding! 

If you feel like you’ve “tried all the things” to help get a quantum leap in your business, you need to uncover the possibilities that await when you explore these two tools.

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I’m Julie Ciardi!

I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.

Get your customized FREE Human Design in business report & guide.

The Marketing Magic Map is your personalized guide to creating marketing that truly clicks.