395 | Your Frequency is the Secret to Your Next Business Breakthrough
When you are an entrepreneur, a leader, or you're working to get results in your life and in your business, it is your frequency that is going to be the thing that is felt by others. That’s why I've been loving this concept that your frequency is actually going to be what repels people or attracts people which ultimately leads to whether or not your business expands.
If I think about myself 6 years ago, when I was at IBM. I was so unhappy, so frustrated, and so angry. When I think about myself now, I am so much more aware of my paradigms and limiting beliefs, my self image, and my level of responsibility. I am the only one responsible for the results I get. When I was at IBM, I used to think that life was happening to me instead of having the awareness that I am responsible for living by design, not default. All of this awareness has changed my frequency.
Listen to the Corresponding Podcast Episode:
Frequency is the Secret
I'm sharing this with you because I really do believe frequency is the secret. So much so that we are starting a November series with my clients called Frequency is the Secret and helping them with teaching and tools to up level their frequency, because it’s their frequency that will get them the results that they want. Their frequency, who they BE, not what they DO. What we do matters, but it’s at what frequency that you are doing it that’s going to get you the results you’re after. For example, if you’re really excited about reaching out to a podcast host and you go through all the steps in order to do that like locate the name of the host, find out how to contact them, draft and send an email, etc. Those actions are easy, right? Anyone can do that! But at what frequency are you doing it? Are you confident in your message? Are you passionate about the topics you want to speak on with the host? Or are you not clear in your message and offers? Maybe you’re not confident in the talking points you want to share. Those are two different energies, two different frequencies, when you go to draft that initial email. The host will feel that frequency which will determine their answer.
Network marketing is another great example of frequency. Two network marketing leaders can make a list of 100 people to reach out to. That’s the same action. One is so passionate about the products and loves sharing the results they’re seeing for themselves and those they help. On the other hand, the other person feels that they’re a bother to those that they reach out to, or they’re not passionate about sharing the opportunity or products. The person receiving those messages can sense those frequencies.
This is why I get so passionate about sharing that every single strategy works out there. Every strategy, every marketing strategy, every sales strategy, they all work. It is the being doing those strategies that’s the difference. If that frequency is not high enough, the strategy is not going to work. If the frequency is high and vibrating, the strategy will work. It's so important to get this.
People Buy Belief
Your frequency even trickles down to your branding and marketing. Whether you’re a coach or consultant, in network marketing, or in corporate going after that next promotion, you are the product. You're marketing and selling you. You are the product. You are the brand. Since that’s the case, we need to make sure that you are operating in a high frequency, or no one's going to buy from you. People buy a belief. People work with people that they believe can help them. People hire people that they believe can fix their problems. If your level of frequency is not high enough, people are not going to believe you. All that marketing, all that reaching out, all the action, all the thing you’re doing, all the strategies you’ve implemented aren't going to work. Your frequency matters insanely when it comes to marketing and your brand.
How Do You Work on Your Frequency?
That’s what the inner work is for. You have to work on changing your paradigms and busting through your limiting beliefs, so that your old paradigms aren’t bringing your frequency down. Over the last five years of helping people do the inner work to raise their frequencies, I have tried lots of different tools, and I have not found anything as effective as the Gene Keys and Human Design.
I love to think of the Gene Keys and your specific Gene Key Profile as frequency knobs. When you know the Gene Keys in your unique profile, it’s like you then know the exact frequency knobs to dial and how to dial them to raise your frequency. It's so exciting.There are 4 core Gene Keys that if you can alter the frequency of even just one of those 4, you're going to start seeing different results in your life. That's how powerful it is. It’s the same thing with Human Design. I mean, the more I study my Gene Keys and Human Design, the more my awareness, my consciousness, and everything else gets elevated. I literally am vibrating at a whole other level from doing this work.
So, if frequency is so important to who you BE, And the being is more important than the doing, it's really important that you understand how to raise that frequency. I invite you to learn a lot more about your Gene Key Profile so that you can dial up that frequency.
Get your free Gene Keys Profile here to start exploring yours!
The Frequency of Your Business
One other piece I want to share with you is that there's also a frequency to your brand, a frequency to your business. But, you are your business. They go hand in hand. There's something even more that you can do to raise the frequency level when it comes to your business and your brand. There are 12 Brand Types. Yours is written in your Gene Keys and your Human Design.
When you know what your Brand Type is, you can step into the frequency of that type. When you're in the right frequency, not the wrong frequency, you're going to really resonate with those you're meant to resonate with. If you're in the wrong Brand Type frequency, you're going to either repel or be invisible to people. You’re not going to be heard, and you’re not going to make money.
How to Understand Your Brand Type and Gene Keys
It's those 4 Gene Keys that I mentioned earlier plus your Brand Type that when you bring those together, you're going to have an instant path to raising your frequency. That is exactly what I'm helping people in my Brand You Reading.
When you book a Brand You Reading with me, I am going to look at your 4 core Gene Keys that literally show you your genius and show you where to raise your frequency levels to, and your Brand Type and how to leverage that Brand Type in your business specifically. I pull all that together for you in a blueprint, in a Brand You Blueprint, and then from there we do a one on one session together where I'm going to show you your results, and I'm going to help you with what to do next from a strategy standpoint.
This is the ticket to begin that transformation at the frequency level of who you BE, so that you know even better what you need to do. Then, when you go do what you need to do, you're doing it at a whole new frequency level so that you are actually having wild success.
Your Gene Keys profile & Human Design bodygraph contain so much gold when it comes to business, especially marketing & branding!
If you feel like you’ve “tried all the things” to help get a quantum leap in your business, you need to uncover the possibilities that await when you explore these two tools.
I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.
Get your customized FREE Human Design in business report & guide.