519 | Designed for Prosperity – How Gene Keys & Human Design Can Help You Become Prosperous

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podcast cover art Today I want to talk all about prosperity. I want to talk about this word because I think it's wildly misunderstood, and there are so many definitions. It's really important that we understand what that definition actually means to us. I have learned over the last seven or eight years, ever since leaving IBM to start my own business and being on the constant pursuit of what prosperity means to me, and it has changed. It has changed dramatically in terms of what my definition is. I have come to learn, especially through the study of Human Design and the Gene Keys, that we are designed so specifically and we're all not designed for the same type or definition of prosperity. In fact, it is incredibly personal. We live in a time where we're shown what the definition of prosperity is on Instagram and Facebook and through others that are sharing how to make money online. In reality, it's so important to get really clear on what prosperity means to you.

I thought that prosperity meant wealthy. I thought prosperity was so much about money, but that's not what prosperity really is about. Prosperity. The true meaning of prosperity is to do well. It's the condition of being successful or thriving. Well, what does success mean for you? What does thriving mean for you? It can mean wildly different things to different people.I think that we're taught either by our parents or by the culture that we lived in as we were growing up, what prosperity looked like. You were prosperous if you went to college, got a great job, continued to climb the ladder of success in whatever career that you had. Then you would get the apartment, then get the starter house, then get the bigger house and the nicer cars, etc.

The measuring stick for prosperity was typically monetary or material in value. That's just how we've kind of grown up, what we've seen, what we've been taught, and honestly what we've been led to believe. But the big missing piece in all of that is that we've just misunderstood what prosperity actually is all about. Wealth and money is one aspect of prosperity. Florence Shin is one of my favorite new thought era authors. She is one of the only women who wrote books in the time of the early 1900s around prosperity and mindset and really deciding to live life by design. There are more well-known authors like Napoleon Hill from that time, but I am just so obsessed with Florence Shin. One because she's a woman in her perspective, but she really broke down the meaning of prosperity in a way that I just fell in love with by talking about perfect self expression.

What Does That Mean?

Perfect self-expression is doing and being what and who you were meant to be and do. Because in order to have health, have wealth, have happiness, we have to be and do. Truly being you and doing what you are meant to do in the world to create prosperity. When we are in alignment with how we were designed, with how God, the universe designed us.

We are all so different when we actually see ourselves truly for how we are designed. When we can see our gifts, our genius, and we also can very clearly see our shadows, where we can tend to go when we are not operating correctly and operating by design. When we can see all this, when we can have that awareness, we can step into the work that we were really meant to do in the world. What Florence Shin was saying is that when you are doing the work that you were designed to do, that is perfect.

Unfortunately, so many people have wandered far from their divine design and perfect self-expression. I see that I wandered very far from my divine design, from my perfect self-expression. I wandered far from it for 20 years in corporate. I wandered far from it even though my soul kept telling me, you're not doing what you're meant to do, you were meant for more. I would push it aside, push it aside, push it aside. I think that that's most of the world, and I'm here to really help people see this and then transform to do work they were meant to do. Work that they were designed to do.

We Often Can't See Our Own Design

We have these divine designs, and they were created for certain reasons, for a specific purpose, for a specific life's work, for as Florence Shin would say, for perfect self-expression. When our divine design is not in alignment with our perfect self-expression for the work we were designed to do in the world, you better believe great things won’t happen. We will not make the kind of money that we want to make. Or, if we are making the kind of money that we want to make, we're not going to be happy because we're not doing what we were designed to do. Our health can even start to get impacted when we're not doing what we were designed to do.

When I think of the definition of prosperity, I 100% agree with Florence Shin that it's not three things, it is four things. It is health, wealth, and happiness. But, there's a fourth thing that really is the foundation underneath the other three, and that is prosperity means perfect self expression. Without perfect self-expression, the other three are really hard to maintain a balance. Because what happens if you think about balancing things, we think that wealth is going to bring us happiness or we think that wealth is going to make us healthier, or we think that if we are able to gain happiness, that it has to come from love and from another person. None of those things are true.

In fact, when our divine design is in perfect self-expression, all those other things just happen. We're able to love and be loved. We're able to make money the way we're supposed to make money in the amounts that make sense for our design and our health thrives when we're doing what we love. Think about it. It's incredible. It's something I feel so passionately about.

Designed for Prosperity

I am going to be holding a masterclass in prosperity called Designed for Prosperity. What I'm going to be sharing with you is how you are specifically designed to prosper. How you are specifically designed to fulfill your perfect self-expression to create health, wealth, and happiness, the framework for prosperity. I'm going to show you how your Human Design and your Gene Keys can really reveal to you the path to prosperity.

We're going to be starting on April 29th, and I would love for you to get registered now so that you are signed up and ready to go. Obviously, like I always do, I will have a workbook and I will be teaching. You'll be doing some assignments to help uncover your specific definition of prosperity.

Register here: www.julieciardi.com/prosperity

I have found that more often than not, there are two reasons why people do not love what they are doing Monday through Friday and they aren’t truly prosperous – even it they are making a ton of money. They just don't know what they were designed to do in this world. They don't know what their perfect self-expression is all about. The second is that even if they have glimmers and understanding of what it is they're here to really do, or what lights them up, they have fear. Fear that it won't work out, fear that they're going to fail, fear of what others are going to say, fear that they don't have what it takes, right? Those are the two reasons. Fear and lack of clarity.

That's it. They can sum it up in those two things. Fear and lack of clarity. That's why I'm doing this masterclass. I want to help you get some clarity and a path to move through the fear. And one of the most incredible ways I have seen to get to clarity on your perfect self-expression is Human Design in the Gene Keys. This masterclass is going to be a little different than the other masterclasses I've done so far this year.

We are going to focus in on yes, your Human Design, but we're going to be looking at a particular part of your Gene Keys profile as it relates to prosperity, meaning the path of potential prosperity for you through the Gene Keys.

You Have to Learn to Study YOU

Only you can decide what your Human Design bodygraph and what your GeneKeys Profile mean. Only you. This is a big miss that I see in this very popular world of Human Design right now. Only you. You have to study you. If you don't study you, you're not going to get to those breakthroughs. You can't just have someone else tell you about your design. I'm not a fan of it. I don't buy into it. It's why I do things a little bit differently. I help you to see your design, but then I help teach you how to contemplate it to come up with the words that are right for you. I'm not going to tell you. You have to see you and to really understand what your full potential is and what you were designed for. That's what some of the stuff we're going to be going through in this upcoming masterclass Designed for Prosperity.

Grab your spot here!

My Definition of Prosperity

Tune in to the episode of the podcast to hear all about my definition of prosperity, and how it’s evolved over the course of my business.

Your Path to Perfect Self Expression

woman sitting at table reading notes Whether you are in a job you don't really love right now, and you're really wanting to understand what your purpose is, what you're here to do, or maybe you started a business and you really want to understand what you are potentially fully capable of, or maybe you’re just not sure yet. You just know you've had a successful career and you're looking for the next element. My next masterclass is for you.

Another type of woman that I tend to work with is someone that kind of feels like they're in a little bit of a midlife crisis. They're kind of starting to question a lot of what got them where they are wondering what's next. I love to call it midlife creation. So, maybe midlife creation is where you're at, where you know that there's something else here for you that you’re meant to do, but you’re not quite sure what it is. This is going to be the masterclass for you.

Maybe you've been pursuing what society thinks of as prosperity, but it really isn't in alignment for you. This is for you.

It's going to be powerful, and it will help you make some decisions and get some clarity on the direction of the work that you do. It can also help you to ensure that, especially if you have your own business, how to make sure that you're designing and growing your business in alignment to your design, but also who you're meant to work with.

Because in order for us to be prosperous, in order for us to make money, that is one of the pillars in prosperity. It's wealth, it's making money. We live in a time where we must make money. It's a requirement. If we're going to make money, guess what? We need other people. We are meant to work with other people. Someone is either going to buy our services, buy our products, or hire us for our services. That's the only way to make money. So therefore, we need to understand how we attract and connect to the right people. That's huge. Often we can miss this, especially if you are a woman in business and you're taking these different courses and you're trying to learn how to niche and how to market and how to do your messaging and all of those things. I'm going to tell you right now, it's really hard for someone else to tell you what that should be because it's an inside out job.

Another really powerful path to prosperity is to really understand what you're meant to say out in the world, what offers you're meant to bring forward, what you're here to do and how you're here to help people. You can learn that through studying your perfect self-expression, your divine design. That's what we're going to be doing.

If you're interested, maybe you've dabbled in Human Design before and you want to be able to go a bit deeper, maybe you really want to understand the Gene Keys a bit more. We're going to be looking at what's called the Pearl Sequence. It's the path to prosperity written in your design, and we're going to look at that, and I'm going to show you how to go deeper to understand your design.

I would love for you to join us starting on April 29th: julieciardi.com/prosperity

Make sure that you register. We will be sending out a workbook, a little pre material to help you get situated and excited for what could be an absolutely revolutionizing masterclass to help you with the next chapter of prosperity for your life.

Get your customized FREE Human Design in business report & guide.

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Gene Keys & Human Design for business?

Your Gene Keys profile & Human Design bodygraph contain so much gold when it comes to business, especially marketing & branding! 

If you feel like you’ve “tried all the things” to help get a quantum leap in your business, you need to uncover the possibilities that await when you explore these two tools.

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I’m Julie Ciardi!

I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.

Get your customized FREE Human Design in business report & guide.