527 | Cash Flow & Magnetic Marketing – How Human Design & Gene Keys Can Create More Cash

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In the whirlwind world of entrepreneurship, it's easy to get caught up in the chase for success, often at the expense of authenticity and alignment with your true purpose. However, my recent launch experience has shown me the transformative power of staying true to myself in business.

Integrating Human Design and the Gene Keys into my business strategy hasn't just led to one of my highest cash-received months in the last two years; it's also brought a newfound sense of calm and fulfillment. I've come to realize that true success goes beyond financial gains — it's about aligning with my purpose and values.

Rebuild vs. Rebrand

create more cashflow using human design and gene keys for business Over the last 18 months, I've had a big shift in my business. I've shared about this before, but I knew in my heart that I wanted to ensure that I was building a business that was really in alignment to what I wanted to talk about, teach on, coach on, and what I wanted us to be talking about as a community. It was challenging because bringing Human Design and the Gene Keys as a really solid foundation to the work that we do here, it caused a couple of things to happen. It caused some people who were even longtime clients to leave which is totally ok. But, of course when you have clients that leave or clients that are no longer a fit, you're not a fit for them, they're not a fit for you, obviously you're going to experience some revenue dip.

Also, when you are making some shifts in your business, it requires a little bit of a rebuild. I call it a rebuild versus a rebrand because rebrand makes it sound like you’re just changing colors and fonts, and that’s not what I mean. It's like you're kind of rebuilding the offers and rebuilding the core marketing message and rebuilding the work that you want to really do in the world, the legacy that you want to leave and stepping into that. That's a rebuild, and anytime you're rebuilding, it's going to take a little bit of time to potentially ramp back up to the revenue coming in.

Part of the rebuild, quite frankly, has been me investing in me doing coursework and doing lessons. I'm in my third semester at the BG Five Business Institute, the official school for Human Design for Business and Career, and that was an investment of not just money, but an investment of time, a true investment of time.

I share this because it's so important that you ensure that you are building a business that's truly an alignment for you and I’m going to share why it's so important. When I look at the results over this last year so far, it blows my mind in terms of really the more in alignment that I am with the business that I'm building and what I have rebuilt, the more money flows in, the more incredible dream clients come in.

I want to share how to do this for you as well, but I really want that though

How Human Design & Gene Keys Help to Create Magnetic Marketing

A crucial lesson I've learned is the significance of authenticity in marketing and messaging. I urge fellow entrepreneurs to prioritize resonance over chasing trends or easy sells. When you're aligned with your purpose and radiate authenticity, success naturally follows.

This is what Human Design and the Gene Keys for business have done for me. They've brought me into this higher level frequency. They brought me to this next level of my potential, and they've helped me to align to my legacy work, to my message, and to what I'm here to do. That's the power of this work, and in this last launch, me sharing from the heart, me sharing from my soul and my convictions is what allowed me to be this lighthouse of compelling energy rather than this tugboat of convincing energy, trying to convince people to buy or convince people that this was the right thing.

True fulfillment and success in business come from being true to yourself. In a world that often values hustle over alignment, my journey is a beacon of hope for entrepreneurs seeking a more authentic path to success.

Her Work by Design™

human design and gene keys for business coach If this has resonated with you, if you know that you are in a rebuild within your business or you know that you want to really revisit your marketing messaging and what you stand for and what your offers are in this world, I highly suggest that you check out the audio series I created to help you go deeper in how your Human Design Bodygraph and Gene Keys can help you in business and in your marketing.

Take at listen here: julieciardi.com/herwork

Get your customized FREE Human Design in business report & guide.

The Marketing Magic Map is your personalized guide to creating marketing that truly clicks.

ready to dive into Your

Gene Keys & Human Design for business?

Your Gene Keys profile & Human Design bodygraph contain so much gold when it comes to business, especially marketing & branding! 

If you feel like you’ve “tried all the things” to help get a quantum leap in your business, you need to uncover the possibilities that await when you explore these two tools.

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I’m Julie Ciardi!

I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.

Get your customized FREE Human Design in business report & guide.

The Marketing Magic Map is your personalized guide to creating marketing that truly clicks.