535 | The NOW Goal® Formula – The Power to Create Big Results

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The NOW Goal Formula I’m thrilled to share an exciting concept that has completely transformed my life and the lives of my clients: the NOW Goal®. This formula, which I developed after working closely with Bob Proctor, is something I use personally and professionally. Today, I’ll give you an overview of the NOW Goal®, but for those who want a deeper dive, I’m offering a free workshop called Your Bodygraph in Business on July 9th, where I’ll also include a bonus session on the NOW Goal® Formula. If you're listening to this on July 8th, the workshop is tomorrow, so be sure to sign up!

Grab your free spot here: julieciardi.com/bodygraph

Before I dive into the details of the NOW Goal®, let me tell you a bit about the upcoming workshop. In Your Bodygraph in Business, I’ll show you how to use your Human Design bodygraph to unlock the next level of growth in your business. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to elevate your existing business, understanding your Human Design can be a game-changer. I believe that your Human Design, along with leveraging the Gene Keys, provides the best blueprint for your business strategy, marketing, and overall execution.

Don’t miss out on the workshop or replay: julieciard.com/bodygraph

The NOW Goal®

Now, let’s talk about the NOW Goal®. The concept of the NOW Goal® came to me while I was studying Bob Proctor’s Thinking Into Results program, where he introduced the term C Goal. My clients and I found it challenging to connect with this term as it often sounded like “seagull” in conversation. This humorous misunderstanding led us to co-create a more resonant term, and thus, the NOW Goal® was born.

The NOW Goal® is a big, seemingly impossible goal that you commit to working on right now. It’s not a “someday” goal that you’ll get to when the time is right—it’s a decision to start making progress immediately. For example, my dream of leaving IBM to start my own business was a someday goal for 14 years. It wasn't until I declared it a NOW Goal® that I began taking the necessary steps to make it happen. It still took about 18 months to two years from setting the goal to actually leaving IBM, but the key was that I was actively working on it every day.

Think about a dream or goal you’ve been putting off. Maybe you’ve been saying, “I’ll get to that when the kids graduate,” or “I’ll start that business when I have more time.” The shift happens when you decide that the time is now. When you commit to a NOW Goal®, you start doing the work required to achieve it, no matter how long it takes. This approach shifts your mindset and actions from passive dreaming to active creating.

How to Create Your NOW Goal®

Creating a NOW Goal® involves tuning into your soul’s desires, beyond the limitations and fears imposed by your logical mind. Your mind is conditioned to think with reason and caution, often listing all the reasons why something isn’t possible. Your soul, however, knows what it truly desires and whispers these dreams to you. The challenge is to listen to your soul and not let your mind’s doubts drown out these whispers.

For me, setting NOW Goals® has been life-changing. My first NOW Goal® was to leave IBM and start my own business. Once I achieved that, my next NOW Goal® was to generate a consistent $10K in monthly revenue. These goals propelled me forward and helped me become the person I needed to be to achieve them. I continue to set NOW Goals® that excite and challenge me, both personally and professionally.

The beauty of the NOW Goal® is that it’s not tied to a specific timeline. We don’t put dates on these big, impossible goals. Instead, we focus on the milestones and actions required to achieve them. This approach allows us to embrace the journey, including the serendipitous encounters and magical moments that help us along the way.

Set Your NOW Goal® With Me!

Human Design for Business Workshop I invite you to join me in setting your own NOW Goal®. Whether it’s a personal goal or a business goal, the process of declaring and working towards it will bring tremendous growth and joy into your life. To learn more and get started on your own NOW Goal®, join my free workshop on July 9th. We’ll explore how to use your Human Design to grow your business and delve deeper into the NOW Goal® Formula in the bonus session.

Register now at julieciardi.com/bodygraph to secure your spot and receive the replay if you can’t attend live.

Let’s embark on this journey together, setting and achieving big, impossible dreams. I can’t wait to see what your NOW Goal® will be and how it will transform your life.




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Gene Keys & Human Design for business?

Your Gene Keys profile & Human Design bodygraph contain so much gold when it comes to business, especially marketing & branding! 

If you feel like you’ve “tried all the things” to help get a quantum leap in your business, you need to uncover the possibilities that await when you explore these two tools.

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I’m Julie Ciardi!

I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.

Get your customized FREE Human Design in business report & guide.

The Marketing Magic Map is your personalized guide to creating marketing that truly clicks.