I'm Julie
I have been exactly where you are right now
I am a CEO
I am also a mom. I have 3 amazing kiddos, ages 10-20, and an incredible husband who spent 25 years as a first responder. I built my business while still an executive at IBM. I know what it is like to be an entrepreneur with other important roles.
I also know what it is like to be stuck, to want clarity for the next move in your business. You have a dream, and you aren’t going to let confusion, fear, uncertainty, or doubt stop you.
After struggling for the first 18 months in business, I faced one of two options: get the breakthrough in my coaching business or go back to corporate. The second wasn’t an option I was willing to take. What changed? I got clarity.
I now help female leaders and entrepreneurs create clarity for their next business breakthrough.
For the last 6 years, I have developed programs, frameworks, and methodologies to help women start, launch, grow, and scale their businesses. For example, The NOW Goal® is a method I teach women to become focused on their next big goal in their business & achieve quantum breakthroughs.
But nothing has been more powerful than bringing Human Design & Gene Keys as clarity mining tools for my students and clients. Human Design & Gene Keys for business are exactly the missing link to help women become thought leaders by becoming known for their own unique movement and the stand they are taking in their industry.
HER WORK BY DESIGN™ - Let me explain
We want three main things in our life:
Joy comes from relationships, experiences, lifestyle, inner peace, spiritual connection & love. We want to be patient, kind, and love unconditionally - others & ourselves. Joy comes when our life’s work is fulfilling to our soul.
Time is our most sacred resource. We all want to end our battle with overwhelm & busyness, and instead savor time and have incredible time freedom.
Money is a necessity in this time in our human experience. Without money, it is incredibly difficult to have amazing experiences such as food & travel. Without money, it is impossible to GIVE (there are no poor philanthropists!). Without money, time freedom is challenging.
When you live and work by your Human Design...
- The joy, time and money flow in the most miraculous way.
- More women with more JOY, TIME, and MONEY creates a better world.
- But it also creates generational shifts within our children & grandchildren.
I am on a mission to help women like you,
to ignite your visibility. To do the work you were meant to do in the world. And we do this by...
You get convicted
IGNITING your higher self
we IGNITE Her™
My life & professional experience
uniquely position me for this mission.
I have a master’s degree in business, and I spent 20 years as Vice President of Marketing and Sales at IBM where I had the honor of leading and mentoring women. I decided to leave corporate to pursue my own business when my soul kept telling me I was meant for more. To be more, do more, have more.
When I left my corporate career, I became a certified life coach with The Life Coach School. I also studied and became certified with the legendary Bob Proctor in his timeless mindset teaching and methods. I have helped hundreds of clients over the last 4 years to create more JOY, TIME, and MONEY.
I also got certified in The Gene Keys, which I believe is an incredible tool for transformation, self-illumination, AND determining your unique niche, positioning, and messaging in your brand and marketing.
Currently, I am in a multi-year process of becoming certified in Human Design for business at the BG5 Business Institute®. It is like the MBA of Human Design. BG5 Business Institute® is the official business school of Ra Uru Hu’s International Human Design School.
I am committed to a lifelong learning process to truly leverage this incredible tool and system to help more women. Human Design and the Gene Keys are the perfect combination of ancient wisdom, quantum physics, and the divine spirit in all of us.
Combined with 30 years of marketing in my corporate and entrepreneurial experiences, I have come to learn that your unique design is the key to the breakthrough you have been looking for.
Female leaders and entrepreneurs come to me to stand out and serve at a higher level for their dream clients, but it is also the ripple effect my clients get that means so much more. Clients tell us that their marriage has been saved from doing this work. Clients stop yelling at their kids. They have created new routines with their family. And clients have left their corporate careers to live in more freedom and fulfillment.
The ripple effect of my clients being HAPPY is priceless.
This is YOUR time.
Your time to learn your perfect design.
It is time to stop playing small in your business or career.
It is time to unleash your niche and step fully into the role you are meant to play to manifest the work you are meant to do in this world.
It is time to go to the school of YOU,
where all the answers are waiting to be mined.