521 | {Design Behind the BRAND} Lea Turner: 4/6 Express Builder

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Today is part two to the amazing interview that I had with Lea Turner this past Monday. If you missed that brand interview, definitely check it out! Click here!

I'm so excited to really bring you into the beautiful Design Behind the Brand for Lea Turner. Let's start with some basics. Lea is an Express Builder, also known as a Manifesting Generator. That is what I am as well. Her Public Role/Profile is a 4/6 which is very much The Influential Role Model. She truly embodies being The Influential Role Model.

She shared so much incredible wisdom as well as her story, and her story really reflects her being a role model. You heard me say to her that she really walks the walk, and because she walks the walk, people want to follow. She talked about and used the word manipulation, but we could easily use the word influence. She is definitely influential, and that is what the fourth line is all about. As a 4/6 she is clearly living her Public Role. The 4 being very much about connection, community, being able to open other people's hearts, and being friendly, but also to a point. The fourth line can get people fatigued. There needs to be some boundaries.

How Lea Embodies Her Public Role

Lea Turner Human Design Stats She mentioned that her very first business, which was in transcription, she said that everything was word of mouth referrals. She didn't have to advertise everything, word of mouth referrals. She also talked about in the last four years of building the business that she has today that she hasn't run any ads. When I was talking with her, it was just so beautiful to see her operating correctly. Because she has operated correctly, her business has thrived.

If instead she had not followed her design, she might have tried to do evergreen funnels and paying for ads and all these things that really most likely wouldn't have worked well for her design being a 4/6. She talked about how she won't do any kind of marketing and sales that's not in alignment energetically.

I asked Lea, if there are any marketing tactics and things that really haven't worked for her, and she said, no. That is because she really has built her business organically. She has built her business truly operating as a 4/6. There’s no question about that!

She also talked about really being a role model. The reason that people wanted to work with her is because she was getting the results. That's being that sixth line going first. If we remember, the sixth line is always about a tri-part life. The first part of her life, the first part of any sixth line life is very much about trial and error. Trying this, trying that, seeing what works. You heard her talk about that. How she left school and tried college, but it wasn’t for her. Then she did some waitressing and administrative jobs, but those weren’t for her either. She was really living that third line life until she found her place, her zone of genius, and that started to grow and to flourish. She was then being perceived as a role model to be able to help others.

Your Public Role, AKA, your Brand Type is really critical as an entrepreneur because marketing is energy, and if you are not doing the right set of marketing strategies and tactics that are in alignment with your energy and your energetic blueprint, you're going to face challenges. I know this firsthand, and so I just love that she has been actually living her design and doing marketing and sales that comes naturally in alignment with her being a 4/6.

Lea talked about how in four years how she went from being at minimum wage to earning more in an hour than she earned in a week or in a month. She grew from nothing on LinkedIn to over 150,000 followers in only four years. Again, it's because she was living her design. She was doing the things that made sense for a 4/6.

Decision Making Strategy

Now, I will say that her decision making strategy is pretty clear cut. She has a respond, then follow your gut. She doesn't really have anything getting in the way of following her own gut response. Half of us have our Emotional Intelligence Center in the way of making decisions and listening to our gut. Half of us are really wait for clarity. We have to wait for the emotional waves to calm down before we make a decision. That's not Lea. She has an independent design.

All of her defined centers are connected up to each other. She can really listen to her gut and follow it to respond and make decisions. Clearly at that point of shifting right from being in that third line way into being the sixth line way, she really started to follow her inner authority in a really powerful way. You can see what happened in her being able to do that pretty clearly.

She also mentioned that doing outbound messaging just felt icky to her, so she wouldn't do it. Now listen for some types they can do that and it feels great and it feels totally in alignment. She's such a great example of just following her inner authority. She was doing it without knowing anything about Human Design.

We don't have to know Human Design to do all of this in the correct way, not by any means. In fact, she is so in alignment with following her own inner authority that these things are playing out exactly how they will play out.

Lea's Life's Work

Also called the Incarnation Cross in traditional Human Design, Lea’s Life’s Work is all about a personal focus. It's about evolving. Her life’s work theme is evolving. So. I want to read a little bit about her life work and see if this really resonates with what she shared with us on Monday.

Her life's work is about evolve, and she's here to focus on self-exploration, focusing on facing her own personal challenges in life, doing research, exploring, and gaining new perspectives. She's going to fulfill her purpose through physical form – Through experiencing physical form through buildings, creating structures, products or communities.

Lea has built an amazing community that literally has a life and personality of its own. It exists. She created it, but it literally exists apart from her. It breathes on its own. It's this beautiful thing. Fulfilling her purpose through something like The Holt, her community.

Continuing on her Life's Work Theme is evolve. She is charismatic and constantly busy, totally absorbed in getting things done or simply busy being in her creative process while she waits for the next thing to happen, the next evolution. She mentioned it several times in the interview that she's not planning so far ahead. She's truly living that.

Lea has the potential for evolutionary change hidden in each moment of existence, and that is empowered within her. When she is focused in the present and her expression is authentic and properly timed, her awareness can have an important impact on those around her. She can give voice to her intuitive insights, recognized needed behaviors, and she can share her commitment to higher principles or manifest her unique self through action.

She's all about those higher principles and that commitment. And, she said that she gets all of these ideas and can see things being authentically heard, being so important, creative self-expression, all things that she talked about. So her core four in her Incarnation Cross, her core four in her Life Work are:

  • Trait 20, which is all about contemplation.
  • Trait 34, which is all about personal power.
  • Trait 55, which is about spirit AKA freedom, which she talked about how important that is to her.
  • Trait 59 which is achieving union, really connecting with her community and with others.

When I was reading through her Life's Work, it just spoke to me in such strong ways because of what she shared in her interview.

Lea's Theme

Lea’s overall Thematic or Theme is Individual. If you’ve heard my talk about this before, there are three types of Themes which are kind like an energetic theme:

  • We either have individual energy, which is all about the ability to empower others with our energy.
  • We can have tribal energy, which is here to support and protect others.
  • We can have collective sharing energy, which we are here to collectively share our logic or our experience or both with others.

Lea’s entire design is one Thematic and that is Individual, and it's about empowerment. So, she can empower others because she herself is empowered. She has to go first, which is the sixth line. The sixth line is all about going first and how important that is.

A couple of really fascinating things in her design is that she has the 51 in both her values on the conscious and unconscious side and in her maturing energy. The 51 is all about the shock of a new direction, bringing people into a new direction, her going into new directions and leading others. I see that so much in her, which is so incredibly powerful.


Lea Turner Human Design Strengths Lea has five strengths defined in her design. We call them strengths in BG Five, and they are called Channels in traditional Human Design. She's got the 10-20, which is about higher principles. We've heard her talk about the charity work that she does, and her higher principles. That's something I would definitely describe Lea as having high principles, and it's really important to her.

The 20-34 is another channel, which is about charisma. She totally has charisma.

The 10-34, which is about conviction. That woman knows what she stands for. She's unwavering in her conviction. She is such a beautiful example of what we call a lighthouse where she just stands and shines in her light and others come to her.

She's also got the 2-14, which is all about direction. She's definitely here to help bring people in the right direction in helping them.

Lastly is the 23-43, which is about efficiency. The powerful thing about the 43-23 is really being able to take these bold, radical ideas and bring them out into the world in the right timing in a simple way for people to understand.

She does have the 45 Trait, which is also a very good indicator that she is not here to work for someone else, that she's meant to work for herself.

Defined & Undefined Centers

Four of her centers are defined, and she has five that are not defined.

Defined Centers:

  • Conceptualization Center
  • Communication Center
  • Identity Center
  • Energy Resources Center

All four of those are connected up. They're fully connected, creating one total energy flow. And again, that energy flow is all about empowerment. Empowerment, which is something you can totally feel by being in her presence.

I could just go on and on about this incredible woman and her truly living her design. We can see that so clearly, and I am just so honored to get to know her, to learn from her, to have her on the show, and to continue to watch her shine in all the ways that I know she will shine!

If you’d like to learn more about your Human Design, grab your free report & guide that I created at julieciardi.com/work!


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I’m Julie Ciardi!

I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.

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