I really wanted to create something for you that was going to create a true shift in your perspective, in your plans for your business, for your career as we go into 2024. I wanted to create what I was really looking at being a thought leadership piece. I didn't want to just create a fluff piece, if you will. I wanted to create something that was really thought provoking and perspective changing, as well as strategically supportive of your goals and dreams, whatever they may be, in your business or career as we go into 2024 and beyond.
Listen to the Corresponding Podcast Episode:
Co-Creation at it's Finest
I really took a step back and allowed myself time to think. Thinking time is when you really are leveraging your own ability to create thought leadership, but also to co-create. I truly believe that we are connected to source, to the divine. In order for us to create really magical pieces of content and thought leadership that will help you in your growth, either your personal growth, your business growth, any type of growth, it truly is important that you know that you're not alone in that creation. You are co-creating. You're getting divine downloads. You're getting divine inspiration. That together can absolutely create for you a body of work that can differentiate you in the market. That can differentiate you in your industry. That can differentiate you in your career. It can differentiate you if you're a leader in a network marketing company, and you want to truly grow. I'm telling you, you are not alone.
You have been given the most incredible gifts. You have been given the most incredible capacity and potential, and it's unique. It's unique to you. The key is knowing that not only do you have this unique potential, but you also have the ability to connect to source, God, or whatever you believe, for inspiration and downloads. That's what happened for me as I was on one of my daily walks and asked for help from the sources above on what my women need to hear. What came through for me loud and clear was that things are changing.
There is a Massive Shift Happening
- How can I support what's happening?
- How can I create a piece of content that's going to help you see what's shifting, what's changing so that you can literally become a category of one.
I want you to stand out in your industry and have work that creates impact and that is aligned to who you truly are. Aligned to your design. What came up for me is that I had this download that we are in the midst of a major shift. Not just in coaching and leadership, not just in online business, but also in the world. We are shifting. We are in a new era. People want to do work that they love. They're not just looking to make a quick buck. They're not just looking to get rich quick.
I'm sure you’ve started to notice this too. You are done with the ads that come across your Facebook, right? Constantly telling you, “make a million in 30 days,” or “six figures in 30 days,” or whatever the nonsense is. We're not looking for that. Most people are not looking for that any longer. Most people are not going to want to pay for things that they can just look up now or they can ask Chat GPT for help with. What most people want, and where the shift is really going, is that the individual is looking to become more self-aware. They're looking to be happier. They're looking to be happier by doing work that fulfills them. That work will pay them, but they want to love what they do.
Quick Fixes are Out
I get to do what I love because I made some pretty bold moves and decisions. It's changed my life, and not necessarily financially, quite frankly. I was making a ton of money at IBM and taking home multiple six figures. Even having a business that makes seven figures, I am not taking home seven figures. I have a team to pay, I have expenses and all of those things. I want you to see that one of the big shifts in the online space especially, and even in the corporate space, is that we aren't looking any longer to have the quick fix. In all honesty, I don't think most people just want to have instant money. I know that in theory that sounds great, but give it a week or a month of coming into money, and trust me, most of us want to do work we love. We want to spend our days on this planet in the lifetime that we have doing something that lights us up.
I really do believe that that is going to be a major shift in the coming year and beyond is that people aren't looking for that quick fix. They are truly looking to do work that they love. It may be work for themself, or it may be doing work they love by contracting with others. They may want to be an employee of the kind of company that does work that matters. This is a huge shift.
My Gift to You: The New Era of Coaching
I wanted to create something that would help to reflect the major trends that are not just happening in the online coaching space and the online entrepreneur space, but what's happening in corporate careers, in work in general, as well as an overall trend that's happening in the world. So, I spent the month of December putting together a private podcast. It's a three-part series podcast, as well as a 47 page ebook.
The name of the podcast and ebook is, The New Era of Coaching. In the ebook as well as the private podcast, I list out the four major trends and the one big Uber trend that's happening across the board.
Get access to the private podcast and ebook, here!
I want you to head on over to binge the three part audio series on the trends in coaching, the new era that we are going into, and how you can ensure that you can rise above the masses because most people aren't going to be aware of these shifts.
Most people are not going to be aware of these trends. This will really give you the leg up as you go into 2024.
A Quick Teaser
I will give you one little teaser of what you can expect in the three part series, The New Era of Coaching. That is that we are going to see a massive shift from generic coaching and generic content into personalized coaching, personalized content, and personalized experiences. The last 10 years in the online space, the last 10 years in coaching, in course creation, and digital content development has been generic. What do I mean by generic? Generic means one size fits all. So whether it's a how-to course or even one-on-one coaching, the models, the formulas, and the methodologies that different coaches are using are generic. There's nothing wrong with it, honestly. It's how I've been too.
When I was in corporate and leading teams, I had an organization that I led that was over 200 people. I had amazing leaders on my team that reported to me. I had to coach and mentor them in only the ways that I knew how and as I was trained. Then, when I went into the coaching industry with my own business, I got certifications. I got certifications in the Life Coach School and how to use the model and I got certifications from Bob Proctor and his methodology. They were both amazing, but there's a big difference in those methodologies, tools, and truly being able to understand the inner workings of someone. Who they are. Their unique paradigms. Their unique strengths and gifts.
It is really challenging to be able to maybe have a digital course, where you're teaching someone how to do something step by step. The people that are purchasing and taking that course are all super different. THey’re all going to have their own pitfalls, paradigms, and things that are going to prevent them from implementing what you're teaching. There's going to be this big shift from generic to personalized.
For example, let's look at medicine. I remember when I was back at IBM, there was this big focus on the life sciences industry and personalized medicine rather than generic medicine. Especially when it comes to things like cancer, that are actually personalized based on an individual's DNA and genes rather than a one size fits all. We're going to be seeing the same thing happen in the coaching and online space and the leadership space. Being able to understand the individual, and being able to give them personalized coaching, personalized information, personalized action steps, personalized advice and counsel is going to be so critical.
Personalization is the Differentiation
Personalization is going to be the very thing that differentiates coaches, leaders in the online space, but also in the non-virtual space. In companies and in corporations, and leading sales teams, that personalization is going to be everything. It's something that has not been taught or looked at because in the online space, it's all about scale and grow as fast as you can. The way that you scale and grow as fast as you can is basically being as generic as you possibly can be. Think of memberships, digital courses, and things where you can grow to have thousands of clients at a time. That has to be generic. At least how it has been is generic. It's also why so often only a small percentage of people actually get results from a course, membership, or group program, including my own.
I'm making this huge shift myself because of what I've seen now over the last year. I have been focused on this shift to that personalization, and it's making a difference in the results and lives of my clients, as well as for me. That's why I want to bring these trends and this new perspective to you. This idea of generic to personalized is one of those trends.
Hear it All in The New Era of Coaching
I have several other things that I share in the ebook and the private podcast, and I go much deeper on the implications of this generic to personalized, and some ideas for you of how to begin that shift. This is where the money's going to be. You're going to see things like digital content become commodity, especially with AI.
If AI can write a course for Susan Smith, AI can write the same course for Amanda Jones. It's not going to be anything different. The end user can just ask Chat GPT themself without buying a course. Without buying anything. Digital content will become commoditized. Therefore, the way in which you start to stand out, be able to charge the kind of prices or get hired at certain levels is going to be your ability to create personalized information and personalized experiences for your clients.
That's just scratching the surface of what you're going to learn inside of my new free ebook and three part private podcast series called The New Era of Coaching.
Go and grab it now at www.julieciardi.com/trends
I can't wait to hear what you think of these trends and what's going to change for you, what you are going to do in 2024 to address these trends head on so that you can stand out and be at the top of your industry.
I would love to hear from you by emailing support@julieciardi.com on what your thoughts are on how you are going to address some of these massive trends in the industry.