Today we are going to talk about creating a content library in a whole new way. I want to start by sharing something really interesting. I saw a post on Facebook from another coach and she was definitely taking a stand saying, “I don't get why any of you continue to say you do not have time to post content,” and she then went on to say, “you don't need a content calendar. You don't need content pillars and topics. You just need to show up and speak and share.” I agree with her, but with a caveat. You can only be in that kind of flow when you know exactly what you want to say, to whom you want to say it, and really who you want to hear what you have to say. When you do not have that clarity, it is impossible to create content because you don't know what to post, or what to say. It's really challenging. The lack of clarity is often more of a problem than someone saying, “I don't have time.”
Listen to the Corresponding Podcast Episode:
Embrace Confusion – It Leads to Clarity
Now, why is this so important? Because, clarity is the precursor to being able to share content. When you don't have clarity on your message, on who you're here to serve on your strong convictions that you want to share out to your people, you're going to struggle to sit down to try to do an Instagram post or a LinkedIn post or anything of the kind. If you don't have clarity, it can't come out of your voice. It can't come in your words. You won't know creatively what to do in Canva.
When we don't have clarity in creating our content, then what happens is that we start to lose our confidence, and we definitely are not seeing the kind of results that we want to have in our business. It's really important to ask yourself right now with where you're at in this moment:
- Do you have absolute clarity in your business, who you're speaking to, what those content topics are, and what your solution is?
- How are you making your offers?
- Do you have clarity?
- Are you clear?
If the answer's no, it's okay. I've been there. I was there earlier this year and parts of last year. I'll probably be there again at some point as we go into 2024. It's just the way it works. But, I have a system now. I have a process and an approach to getting into clarity, and I want to share that with you.
Good Marketing is About Repetition
Going back to the post I shared earlier from the coach that I saw on social media, she mentioned that you don't need a content calendar or content pillars. I have to politely disagree with that. I believe those are great tools. When you are working on getting clarity and when you have a set of content pillars, you're able to create a content library to then easily organize your content to put it on repeat. Any good marketing person knows that good marketing is repetitive. Repetition, repetition, repetition.
That is how people know who you are, what you do, how you can help them, or if you're for them or not. They can't know if you aren't repetitive. Having a framework for your content can absolutely be an incredible tool for both clarity and repetition. Clarity and repetition equals a brand that grows.
IGNITE Her Brand
When you can create an asset and several assets from the work that you'll do in IGNITE Her Brand, that could bring in millions of dollars for you, that deserves a good price tag on it. And so, we are really raising all of our prices as we go into 2024. I really want to work with women who are committed to being bold, stepping out with their message, taking action, and are willing to go into the depths inside of themself to do that. Women who are not afraid to use tools like the Gene Keys and Human Design to go much deeper in their strengths, genius and structure for their business. Therefore, I want to make sure that we are pricing our offers in a way that really is in alignment with who we want to work with.
That said, I want to give you my blog reader & podcast listeners an opportunity to still join IGNITE Her Brand before the price almost doubles. If you're interested in saving like 40% off of what the price is going to become next week, now's the time to join us!
This blog post comes out on Dec. 4, 2023 and the price is going up this week! You have until December 5th at midnight Pacific time to cash in on this savings. You get to then spend the next year with me. It’s a $2,999 investment for an entire year. It's so good. It's going to go up to $4,999. There's also a payment plan. You can pay $299 a month for 12 months, but that is going up to $499 a month.
If IGNITE Her Brand is something that you want to invest in, because the ROI is exponential, when you create an asset like the Lighthouse Content Library™, and you start making quantum leaps in your revenue as a result, well, let me tell you, that is worth that is the investment.
Enroll here to save $2,000 before the price increase!
The Lighthouse Content Library™
Getting back to the Lighthouse Content Library™, one of the core frameworks I teach inside IGNITE Her Brand, has seven topic pillars:
- Convictions – Your strong beliefs that you want to shout from the rooftops
- Teachings – Your concepts and frameworks
- Inspiration – Showing your audience what’s possible for them
- Solutions – Your signature offer or solutions to your audience’s main problem
- Testimonials – Showcasing the stories, the quotes, and the results from your clients to your audience
- Your Genius – Your unique strengths, experience and wisdom
- Perspective – Perspective shifts for your audience, what you want them to see or hear that is different from the normal belief
We then teach you how to organize these topic pillars in Canva so that you can easily be adding to it, and going to grab graphics that you want to share that day on social media. It just becomes this incredible asset for you, not only to save time, but to be repetitive in the market. When you are ready, or if you want to be leveraging a team member or a contractor or maybe a social media manager, the content library that you've created with all of these categories is available to them to run your social media.
One of the mistakes that I see is a lot of people want to outsource their marketing. They want to outsource their marketing to a social media manager. They want to outsource their marketing to an ad agency, a marketing agency, or whatever that may be. I get that, but you can't really do that until you have absolute clarity in your message and in your content, because the people that you’re hiring are not going to know. When they post on your behalf, you want it to be your words and your energy that are coming through in that post. It makes a huge impact on your dream client hearing you. So, clarity is critical. Having a content library that holds all of those clear messages and the content that is in alignment with your brand is everything.
Do You Want to Be a Tugboat or a Lighthouse?
The Lighthouse Content Library™ is going to be the cornerstone of your marketing. Here's why I call it lighthouse content. When we think about a tugboat and a lighthouse, they both do the same thing. They bring boats safely to shore, but a tugboat has to go out and find the boats and do a heck of a lot of work bringing them to shore. The lighthouse gets to stand firmly and proudly and literally just shine its light. That's all it needs to do is shine its light and the ships and the boats come right to it.
I want for your clients, opportunities, speaking engagements, and podcast guesting to come to you directly versus you having to go out and do all that hustling and grinding and trying to get the deal, get the opportunity, get the clients. That's the difference. So, that's why we call it lighthouse content. Lighthouse content is compelling content. Tugboat content is convincing content.
Your Brand Blueprint
Another one of the things that we do in IGNITE Her Brand, another asset we create, is we work with you to create what we call a Brand Blueprint. It is literally a summary of your Gene Keys profile and your Human Design body graph. It is your brand essence, strengths, traits, and who you're meant to message to. It is such a powerful document. It's like two pages of gold. You use this Brand Blueprint to start to develop your Lighthouse Content Library™. We have a whole approach and a strategy for how to do this. I've got to be honest with you. I don't see a lot of people teaching Gene Keys and Human Design for business. There are some, but what I tend to see is it's still more on that spiritual personal growth side of things, which is amazing. I think that's great. But there's a very unique approach to using Human Design for business.
That's why I'm actually in the process of getting certified by the official school called BG Five Institute. It is almost like an MBA in Human Design, a master's of Business in Human Design. I decided to invest there, and to really dive deep into it because I could see the potential of using Human Design and using Gene Keys around content confidence, branding, how to stand out, what your content messaging needs to look like, even potentially, how you structure your business and the offers that you put out there.
Being able to use these tools and have this clarity to create assets in your business is game changing. Take a more in depth look at what we do in IGNITE Her Brand here!
If you want to bust open the possibilities in your business by incorporating these incredible tools that are unique to you, I invite you to join us inside IGNITE Her Brand.
Save $2,000 and join here!
I can’t wait to help guide you on the content you’re meant to share.