Things are changing pretty rapidly, and I'll start with what probably seems like an obvious one, but may not be so obvious in terms of how it impacts you and what you desire to create and build in this world. It's about AI, and what's fascinating is that AI is all the rage. It's what everyone's talking about, and what so many entrepreneurs who have built very successful businesses by really getting on that wave of AI. Why? Because it's sexy. Because people are searching on it. Because people want to know more. It's a very trendy topic, and that's great because things are changing.
Listen to the Corresponding Podcast Episode:
The AI Trend and Commoditization
What I want to talk about is how AI is actually creating a massive trend that could either be a problem or a major opportunity. I like to look at the major opportunities. Here's where it's going to be a potential problem, and where you might be able to capitalize on it. Content creation is going to become more and more of a commodity, meaning content itself really is not going to differentiate people. And here's why. With so many people using AI to write their content, create their content, and to even create images for their content. When you think about it, AI is leveling the playing field in terms of content creation, but at the same time it's commoditizing it. It’s making content a commodity.
A commodity in the market is something that you cannot charge much money for because there's no differentiation. Everyone else can create the same amount or the same quality content. If everyone's creating the same type of content and AI is writing it, and yes of course, there are some people that are then popping in and adding kind of their flavor to it, which is fine, but the problem is what is real thought leadership? What is really coming from that person versus what AI is generating? Why is that important?
Let’s say you are paying a coach for a course and it's a how-to course on YouTube to grow your brand. In the past, that a course creator could have charged $497 for that course and people would buy it. But, that's not how people are operating so much anymore. Now, they're going to ChatGPT and they're saying, “how do I use YouTube to create an online brand?” Then, ChatGPT is scouring the internet, scouring all the content and bringing it together in a step-by-step way for that person. All for free. So what did that do? That just basically commoditized what was a $497 course, and that's going to impact so many people who have built businesses on digital content that they would charge for that now can be looked up.
How to Turn a Potential Problem into an Opportunity
That could pose a problem for a lot of people who have built their businesses in that way. However, it’s also a real opportunity for so many of us to rethink what it is that we are meant here to bring out into the world. What are our unique gifts? What is it that we are here to do that ChatGPT can't replicate? What I want you to start thinking first and foremost is that this shift to AI is going to be a forcing function. It is going to force people to really figure out how their content is unique with their unique perspective and unique set of ingredients, if you will, that AI can't replicate and duplicate. Again, the good news is that this is going to level the playing field and it's going to require you and I to step in to own the niche we are in. If you take that mentality, you are going to come up with and generate incredible ideas for how you can stand out now.
This is what is going to separate people from those that aren’t going to make it to those that are going to be wildly successful. It will have almost nothing to do with the number of followers on social media anymore. The game's changing. What's going to matter now is whether you are so differentiated as a category of one, as a niche in and of itself, because you're actually creating the market that you become sought after rather than trying to figure out the algorithm to get more and more followers and grow the following and win on social media. That game is changing. I'm witnessing it. I'm seeing it right now.
The Name of the Game is Differentiation
You have gurus teaching their way and teaching everyone the “how to” of their way, and that's not differentiated. That is very homogenized and that's changing. Imagine that you know yourself so well that you are able to create content that literally no one else on the planet can create because no one else is you. It’s powerful stuff. Now add on to that, getting to know you deeper and deeper and your gifts and your potential, and also your encounters and experiences with learning wisdom and working with others. You couple all that together and you start to actually see a pattern that you can create some thought leadership around. You see a solution that you want to be able to bring forth that no one else can because no one else is you.
Story Time!
I will tell you a little story of how this is changing. A year ago I really wanted to work with a marriage coach because our marriage is very important, and I wanted to work on myself and how I am in relationships because that's the only way you can do it. You have to work on you. So, I was going to work with this coach. Her content was interesting in terms of her niche and that she helps relationships, but from one person at a time in the relationship. I knew that she was trained at the Life Coach School, and her content looked very pretty from an Instagram standpoint, and her website was beautiful. Now knowing what I know now, I make decisions very differently on who I'm going to work with, but this was at a time that I was still making decisions emotionally instead of by my design.
I hired her and I had two sessions with her, and work with her was like a regurgitation of the exact process, tone of voice approach that Brooke Castillo takes. That's where she got trained, right? Brooke Castillo runs the Life Coach School. She trains the coaches, and what happens is that people then just mirror it and regurgitate it, rather than bringing their thought leadership, their thinking, their personality, their differentiation to it. I sat there and thought that I coud just do this myself. I've also been trained by the Life Coach School. It was not valuable. I ended up just stepping away. I didn't want to continue because it wasn't valuable.
I could go listen to Brooke Castillo's podcast and get the same content. It was not helpful. I share that not to bash this poor coach, but to share that that's what's happening out there. I see it with so many of the Proctor Gallagher trained consultants, too. They are just regurgitating exactly how Bob would say things, and even relying heavily on Bob's video lessons. I love him so much, but those lessons are really outdated. They're really old. Listen, if you're going to be a thought leader and stand out and be differentiated, people have to see you. They’ve got to learn from you. How can you take the learnings and the lessons and develop it into your own thing?
How I'm Differentiating Myself by Using Human Design for Business
It's kind of like me right now with Human Design and the Gene Keys. Here's what's interesting. A lot of people take Human Design and regurgitate it and do their thing with Human Design just like they see everyone else out there doing it, or how maybe they were trained to do it. It’s the same thing on the Gene Keys side. People become Gene Keys Guides, and then they do it exactly the way Richard Rudd would do it. That has never been me, ever. I can't. I've been trained by the Life Coach School and got certified there. I got certified with Bob Proctor's work. I also am certified in the Gene Keys and I'm in a multi-year deep certification process with Human Design at the BG Five Business Institute. I'm not going to be a puppet and regurgitate the stuff.
I'm going to process it for me, for my clients, for my own experiences, my own design. What's fascinating is in my design, I am meant to bring these kinds of radical ideas with things like Human Design and the Gene Keys in a very simple way to the non-esoteric people. I'm here to bring and be a teacher and prophet of this work to people in leadership, to people that are already successful entrepreneurs, but people that are typically less on the woo side. That's in my design. How cool is that? What's fascinating is the way that I am taking these tools and this information in a way that works for me and how I want to teach it and what I want to bring to the table. It's very different and unique from anyone else out there.
Creating a Category of One
That's the part I'm obsessed with. I'm obsessed with helping people do the work they're meant to do, the work that they love. That's my jam. I'm using Human Design and my whole experience of being in a corporate career that I loathed for 20 years to starting my own business and that whole journey. It's all been the same thing. It's all been this deep movement that I feel compelled and called to help people do work that they love, not make more money. I'm not making any more money right now into my bank account, my personal bank account, not my business bank account, but into my personal bank account. I am not currently making more money right now than I made at IBM, and I'm totally okay with that. Totally okay with that. I've never been happier or more fulfilled in my life. Now, don't get me wrong. I plan to make more money in my bank account, my personal bank account than I was making at IBM. It'll come. I have no doubt about that. The more I step into this category of one, it's happening, but it's all been a part of the process. No one's had my same journey, no one's had my same experiences with these different tools, with these different things and then putting my flavor around it.
I invite you to see that AI is going to be potentially one of the best things that ever happened to you in your business. It is for me not because you can automate some things. That's great. That's amazing. I actually had my two employees, VInessa and Erin, check out a course on AI, and I will probably continue to get them deeper training and tools in AI, so that our internal processes can get streamlined so that we can save time and be more efficient and effective. But, I tell you this, AI is never going to take the place of my thought leadership. And here's the two big ways that I am focused on my thought leadership always evolving. It's two big things:
- To continue to go deeper and deeper in my Human Design so that I am living it at its highest potential.
- I'm never going to stop learning and working on my craft.
You've got to become a category of one. You've got to do the work. You've got to continue to be a student and continue to evolve. I often see people that teach you “how to’s” like how to start a membership, and grow and market that membership. They teach out the process. They've been marketing and selling that exact same course or membership to teach how to do it forever. What they're getting better at is sales and marketing. But, what about getting better and better at your craft? People rarely see this as the area of focus. Listen, our craft is not to become the best online marketers we possibly can.
For most of us, that's not what we're doing. We're here to start a movement. We're here to make a huge impact in the actual work that we do and not get so good at the exact right messaging. That's NLP driven. That is going to convince someone they need your offer. That's the world we've lived in for over 10 years, and that is changing. It’s fantastic news for so many of us. What you need to do from this is you need to step into leadership. Personal leadership. Leadership at the deepest level of you because that's how you get differentiated. I want to invite you to a free masterclass where I'm going to be doing just this.
Designed to Lead Masterclass
It's also for you if you are willing to go deeper into understanding you and how you're wired, how your energy flows, where your potential gifts are, where your potential pitfalls are, and how those potential pitfalls are the exact thing that you most likely will be able to teach others on. There is so much differentiation in you. It's incredible. That's going to be the difference maker in the online space and in your career. Whether you're an entrepreneur or a leader in an industry, this differentiation is what's going to land you the speaking opportunities, the book deal, getting hired, people paying you money. Ever since I stepped into this in a really bold way, differentiating myself by being me, it's been incredible bringing this to new platforms like LinkedIn and Threads. I mean, in the course of a couple of weeks, I have had three podcast requests for me to be on other people’s podcasts.
The only reason people are coming to me and I'm being sought after is because I've taken a stand in my brand. Because I've differentiated myself in a really powerful way and will continue to do so. I want to teach you how to do the same. Where it's all stemmed from is learning my Human Design. That's powerful stuff.
If you're ready to stand out as a leader in your industry without going viral, spending a fortune on paid ads, using spammy tactics, having to become a content creation machine, and you're interested in understanding yourself better, then this masterclass is for you.
I would love for you to join me on January 29th! Click here to register!
I'm going to be sharing my three part framework for using Human Design to create standout thought leadership in your brand. The other thing I'm going to teach you is that free offers are changing dramatically. If you want to have a standout, incredible free offer, you better believe you've got to lean into understanding what differentiates you, what is so incredible about your thought leadership, and you want your thought leadership to be the thing that fuels the free offer.
If you want to list build in the future, or actually start to see better results from list building, that free offer has to be drool worthy and differentiated.
Those are some of the topics I’m going to be teaching on in the Designed to Lead Masterclass. It’s all brand new content that I’ve never shared before, and you’re not going to want to miss it! See you on January 29th!
Register for free here!