Your Role in Manifesting Your Next Big Breakthrough

Today we're going to talk about one of the biggest mistakes that I see, not only new coaches and new entrepreneurs making, but also even seasoned entrepreneurs that are looking to do a rebrand, a pivot, or just trying to bring their business to the next level. It’s a mistake that can be both costly and very disappointing when it doesn't give you the results that you're hoping for. But, I'm also going to share how you can make that investment, whether it's already been done or you're about to do it really work for you.

So what’s this big mistake? It’s all about branding! I’ve honestly fallen into this mistake in the past as well, so I can totally relate. It’s actually about having a very narrow view of what branding is all about – thinking that branding is only updated photos, your fonts, colors, how your website looks, your social media aesthetic, etc.

Those are all a very important part of branding, but to me, it should be the last step. All of this is wonderful, and I think it really helps to uplevel your business, but there is a piece that is so important that feeds into the choosing of the colors and the fonts and the images and more specifically the words you are using in and on your website and social media posts. It's before all of that. That is the unique positioning of YOU. What you do, why you, who you're here to serve, very specifically, how you solve their very specific problem, and what life is like for them after they work with you and your unique solution. The thing that I encounter time and time again is confusion and lack of clarity on all that I've just listed.

Listen to the Corresponding Podcast Episode:

Here's the Truth

The most gorgeous website in the world can't fix that lack of clarity and confusion. The most beautiful photos can't fix that. You can't even begin to hire a copywriter if you don't know this. What happens is, I see a lot of entrepreneurs spend a lot of money working with branding and graphic design exerts, image experts, copywriters, etc., but if they haven't done this piece of work, there's going to be a major disconnect in what image they're putting out there and what it is they're here to actually do for others. How they're here to make money.

I love my website designer and my photographer. I love working with graphic designers who can make things look beautiful. I love it. But, it's my job to go in with them with the understanding of all of the specificity of my positioning of who I'm here to serve, of the role I'm meant to play on the stage of life. I have to come with that. They cannot know this. They cannot guess at this. The only way they can know how to create the right website, the right visuals, the right colors and fonts in working with you is if you know this, and it's hard to know this!

Your Specific Purpose

You are here in this lifetime for a very specific purpose. You are here in a very specific role to serve others. Serving others is the only way we ever make money. There is no other way. There's no way that you're going to be paid money if it's not in service to others. So, what are you here to do? What is your role on the stage of life? Before I tell you how you can figure that out, just know that so many struggle with this. It's that lack of clarity. It breeds vagueness. It breeds confusion. Confusion and vagueness do not create money. Clarity creates money. There's this great quote that says, “clarity brings prosperity.” Clarity brings prosperity. It's the clarity that's so critical. When we’re not clear, it’s like static. Your website, your call to actions, your social media posts – they just become background noise. People cannot understand and clearly see that you can help them with their specific problem. It is that precision that's required, especially if you're building a business online.

If you are not building a business completely online by leveraging more in-person events and referrals, you also need to know this. You also need to be really specific. How do you introduce yourself to someone when you meet them in person? If it's vague, they don't know if you're for them. If it's vague, they can't refer you. If it’s vague and too high level on social media, all you're ever going to be is inspirational. This is critical. Yet so many struggle with this clarity. I just held a retreat with 13 women over the course of two and a half days, and here's the thing, everyone is struggling with clarity. I do as well. I'm not unique. But, what if there was a tool to help you with your specific clarity?

Gene Keys & Human Design

I'm using the Gene Keys and Human Design is specifically for this. I am using these tools to help my clients get extreme clarity on their purpose, their life's work, who they're meant to serve, how they're specifically meant to serve them, and what their unique gifts are, which then positions them very clearly in their business and in the market.

Do you know the role you’re meant to play on the stage of your life’s work? Until you know that, you cannot create copy, the look and feel of your images and website, or your fonts and colors, without knowing that. What if I told you that there are 12 possible roles and that I can help you with what your specific role is, and that this role can actually show you who you're meant to be to actually create the results that you want? Not only will it show you that, but it will also show how others are meant to see you and experience you, and what your unique strategies can be from a sales and marketing standpoint. Knowing this has been game changing in my business. I am a 2/4 Profile, the Natural Influencer, and finding out this role and type has changed how I'm growing my business from a sales and marketing strategy standpoint.

That is absolutely invaluable. And here's why. Because if you are an entrepreneur or you are trying to grow or start a business, you are being inundated left and right with ads of this is the way, this is the tool, this is the strategy. They're not all for you. They all work, but not all strategies are for everyone. That's the key.

How Do You Know Which Strategies Are Right for YOU?

If you're like me, you've spent thousands and thousands of dollars purchasing courses or working with coaches or in programs where the strategy being taught didn't work for you. That's why in IGNITE Her Brand, my signature 12 month program where I go deep on this with my clients, I don't teach one strategy. I help you pick the strategy that's right for you. Now the good news is because I have spent so much money, hundreds of thousands of dollars in all the different strategies, and I have an MBA and over 25 years of experience in marketing and in business, I know almost all of the strategies. I can help match the right strategy based on your type. So this type is like everything.

What Do I Mean by Type?

I call it the Brand Archetype. It's called your profile in the Gene Keys. It's the lines of your Activation Sequence in BG Five, which is the Human Design for business that I'm currently being certified in.

It's your Public Role. It's the role you must play to manifest your purpose. I've also heard it called the costume of your life's work. I like to use Brand Archetype because when you understand your Brand Archetype, you can take that and go work with your branding expert, go work with your website designer and say, “Listen, I'm a Natural Influencer. I'm this 2/4 Profile. This is how I'm meant to be seen and experienced. Can you help me create a vibe, a website?” When you work with your photographer and let them know this, you can actually then create the image, the brand image, the brand view, the content that fits that type. Do you see how powerful that is?

When I first started studying Human Design and the Gene Keys, I can obviously see how powerful it is for a spiritual awakening, but my brain goes to the aspect of it being a huge component to how we do marketing. Why? Because you're the marketing. If you are a coach or a service-based entrepreneur, you're marketing YOU. In order to market you, you have to know the role you’re meant to play, and the costume that you must wear. Marketing is all about attracting new potential clients to you like a magnet. So how do we do that? Well, we need to truly be in the highest frequency and in alignment with who we are so that they can be attracted to us.

We've always heard of authentic marketing, and yes, that's a hundred percent the truth. But authentic marketing doesn't mean that you're just being transparent and you share who you are. That's not what authentic marketing is. Authentic marketing is actually you being YOU. You being your correct type. When you are stepping into the wrong type, energetically you will squash your magnetism.

I can tell you firsthand that knowing that my type is a 2/4, The Natural Influencer, which strategy I choose now for my marketing and my sales and how I'm growing my business is wildly different than before. I understood my Brand Archetype. I am meant to get opportunities through relationships. Not through cold audiences, not from going viral, not from doing Facebook ads to a cold audience or cold DMing people, and things like that. I have no relationship there, and my energy needs the relationship. I didn't know this. I didn't know this at all until I started to study it.

When I think about any launch that we've ever done that was highly successful, it was when I was actually operating in alignment with me and it was through getting referrals. I asked my clients. I ran contests. We had this whole referral process. That's exactly how a 2/4, a fourth line type must have an introduction, be referred, have a relationship of some kind to be successful. That's the key. But no one teaches us this. Instead, we see a certain strategy and we think, “oh, that worked for this person. I should buy this and do it for me,” but it may not be right for you.

How Do You Know Your Type?

For the first time ever, I have opened the doors to having typing sessions. If you want to create that quantum leap, that business breakthrough, book a Brand Archetype typing session with me.

I will type you, and we will look at your next big goal. From there, I can help you with the types of marketing and sales strategies that might work for you, especially how you position yourself. So, the number one thing that I'm going to help you with in a typing session is the role you must play on the public stage to achieve your big breakthrough that you are trying to create in your business or your career.

You need to know your type. You need to know your role. You need to know the nuances of that role because it's the role you must play. Picture being on Broadway. You're not just going to get on the stage in a Broadway performance and just start ad-libbing it. You need to actually know what the script is. You need to know which part you’re playing. What you’re lines are. What your role is. That's what this can do. It can give you the role that you're meant to play, the lines you're meant to speak so that you can have the business breakthrough.

Book your Brand YOU Session here!

These brand typing sessions will be very limited. If you're interested, I would snag one ASAP. We’ll spend about an hour together, and I'm going to help you have a major shift in your perspective of the role you're meant to play to achieve that next business breakthrough. And, very specifically, how to position you in your brand so that your content, your website, your copy is in alignment with that role.

It's a must.

I would love to have you as part of the movement that is happening on what truly authentic marketing is. On what truly magnetic marketing actually is. It's so much more than a website, images and copy. If you don't have this piece, you might waste a lot of time, energy, and money on branding if you've missed this piece.

Book here!

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Gene Keys & Human Design for business?

Your Gene Keys profile & Human Design bodygraph contain so much gold when it comes to business, especially marketing & branding! 

If you feel like you’ve “tried all the things” to help get a quantum leap in your business, you need to uncover the possibilities that await when you explore these two tools.

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I’m Julie Ciardi!

I am a former Fortune 50 executive (20 years in the corporate world!) and I finally answered my soul’s calling and started my own business in 2017. I am a mom of 3 and married to a retired first responder. I am on a mission to help women create income aligned with their life’s work. I would love to help YOU.

Get your customized FREE Human Design in business report & guide.

The Marketing Magic Map is your personalized guide to creating marketing that truly clicks.