Today I’m sharing part two of the Gene Keys’ Activation Sequence. I'm going to be sharing with you today how you are meant to be felt and seen in the world by others, which really matters when you have a business. Your marketing is you. So how you shine or not out into the world and how that is felt by others is extremely important. These are the Radiance and Purpose Spheres in your Gene Keys Profile.
Those four Gene Keys, your Life's Work, your Evolution, your Radiance, and your Purpose come together to create what's known as the Incarnation Cross in Human Design as well as your public role or profile in Human Design and BG Five. What I love so much about the Gene Keys, and I shared this a little bit last week, is that it simplifies a really important aspect of Human Design that many people don't go into depth on yet. It’s such an important component of Human Design, and comprises about 70% of your design, of who you are, of your Life's Work and your purpose. And again, in Human Design, it's the Incarnation Cross and Profile.
In my experience of having readings around Human Design or getting booklets with information about my human, so little outside of a tiny paragraph was included about my Incarnation Cross, which is my purpose here on the planet. The profile, which is your public role, the role you must play to manifest that purpose. So, when I came across the Gene Keys in my studying of Human Design, everything clicked for me in being able to really understand what this all means. Last week I took you through your primary paradigms, which is your Life's Work and Evolution.
Catch up on that blog post here!
If you don’t already have your Gene Keys Profile, click here to download it!
Listen to the Corresponding Podcast Episode:
How We Level Up!
We talk about leveling up. It's a leveling up of our frequency. That's how we attract what we desire. That's how we attract what we need. It's all about vibration and frequency. And so this is a way to really be able to bring it up. That's why I love Gene Keys and Human Design.
So again, purpose, why you are here, the life lessons and transformation that will unlock you fully when you are in a higher frequency, so other people can see you and experience you the correct way. That’s what we’re exposing when we understand our Activation Sequence. Now, when we think about Life's Work and Evolution, those two Gene Keys and the lines of those two Gene Keys are your primary paradigms and patterns. It directly impacts the frequency of your aura out into the world, meaning it will impact how others experience you. Now, your Radiance and your Purpose, this is how people will experience you and that energy that you're giving off.
We are energy. Every cell in our body is vibrating and moving. What level, what frequency is that at? The Gene Keys in your profile are the frequency dials. This is where you can be in static frequency, which is shadows or high frequency, which is a clear signal, which I like to think of as your higher self.
Your Radiance
Each Gene Key has a shadow frequency, a gift frequency, and a siddhi frequency. The siddhi frequency is, I like to call it HER frequency. It’s like HER energy. If you’ve been in my world a while you know I like to think of HER as the person you want to be when you unlock your full potential. It’s your Highest Energy Realm. We get to the higher frequency through the gift of that gene key. We come out of the shadow of that Gene Key into the gift. For example, it can be going from the shadow of self-doubt through the transformational path of inquiry, of asking better questions to get to the truth. That's one Gene Key in particular, I think it's the 63rd Gene Key. It’s so powerful. There are 64 Gene Keys so there are 64 possible options that you could have as your Radiance Gene Key. To know that the shadow of your particular genius, of your particular Radiance Gene Key is really blocking you from radiating out into the world.
When you are coming through the gift of your Radiance Gene Key, this is where prosperity begins to catalyze. It begins to unlock your higher purpose because you're more in harmony with who you are and you'll become more healthy. Having this inner peace, the more you step in and through the transformational path of your gift, which then brings you into the higher self, the siddhi type of frequency, which is where you're really shining that internal light. You become a beacon, a lighthouse, and the frequency of your aura is magnetic.
Tune into the corresponding podcast episode to hear my own personal example of how I came out of the shadow of my Radiance Gene Key and the transformation that I’ve experienced because of it.
Your Purpose
The Purpose Sphere is not about what we are here to do necessarily. It's about the quality of our consciousness. Your Purpose is really designed to be unlocked by life. Your Purpose represents who you're here to be, and of course that being is going to do something as well.
What's important is when you look at the shadow of your Purpose Gene Key, it prevents you from experiencing the moments of just being alive and present and on the journey. You want to look at the shadow of your purpose to see where you are not feeling so at home in your physical body. As you work on your Life's Work and your Evolution and you start to understand your Radiance and how people are meant to experience you, your Purpose emerges. It really emerges from within. The answers are always in you. The siddhi level of your Purpose is like this gift from the divine. It's about healing. It's who you're meant to be on the physical plane.
Tune into the corresponding podcast episode to hear my own personal example of how I came out of the shadow of my Purpose Gene Key and the transformation that I’ve experienced because of it.
Explore Your Gene Keys with Me!
If you want to learn more about you, join me in my Gene Keys 101 course. It’s $299 to joining. You're worth that. You're worth so much more than that.
Come learn about you, your unique Gene Key Profile, and how to leverage this tool to tell the story of the purpose and the mission that you are on.
If it's too late and it's over, you can always purchase the course for self-study on your own.
If this has resonated in any way, this is your moment to understand you better so that you can have the future you desire.