I am going to help you bust out of your content closet. What do I mean by that? In the 6 years I’ve had my business, I’ve had to do this several times when I had found myself muting or censoring what I wanted to actually say. This was partly because I didn't want to exclude anyone, but I also was worried about what other people were going to think. I frankly was also worried about getting negative comments on my social media pages, because when you are at the point where complete strangers are seeing your content, whether it's through ads or an Instagram Reel or whatever it may be, it opens you up for complete strangers to comment and to be honest, I didn't really want that.
Listen to the Corresponding Podcast Episode:
It's Time to be BOLD
I have muted or censored myself for a very long time, and at different points. My word of the year for 2023 was bold, and initially I thought of that word because I wanted to be putting myself out there more and making myself more visible. However, it actually turned into meaning being more bold in what I was here to say!
I talked a little bit about this in my last blog post when it came to the Gene Keys and Human Design and holding back not sharing what I really wanted to share because I thought I might exclude people, or there are certain people that didn't really want to learn about Gene Keys and Human Design because it might interfere with their faith.
What I’ve come to realize is that the bolder I get in what I want to say, the more I see posts and comments of others that would normally make me want to say, “forget it, I’m not going to say anything.” What has changed is my thinking. Yes, there are going to be those naysayers in the comment section, but at the same time, there are so many more people that need to hear what you have to say.
I'm sharing this with you because you might be in a similar place where maybe there's something that you want to talk about or share that you have strong convictions on, but you're holding yourself back.
Don't Hold Back
I was planning on being very quiet at this event, and it turns out there were people there that needed me to say what I needed to say. It happened in smaller groups and side groups, and it just fueled the flames even more for me of not holding back. It really gave me a lot of inspiration to be bold and share deeply.
When you are building a business or career, we can't compartmentalize ourselves, especially when you are the brand and you are the product. I want to be truly me, and I want to invite you to do the same. That’s why I’m putting together this free masterclass.
The Lighthouse vs. The Tugboat
I want you to be able to create content that you can stand firmly on. There's this great analogy that I’ve heard several times, but most recently in came back up when I was working with a Human Design coach. It’s about the lighthouse and the tugboat. They both have the same job. They guide ships and bring them to shore safely. The difference is the tugboat has to go out and do a lot of the work. It has to go out to get the boat and physically bring it back to shore. On the other hand, the lighthouse stands firmly and unwavering in its power and it's shining its light for boats and ships to come to her.
This is what I'm going to be teaching in The NEW Content Framework Masterclass. How to create lighthouse content. How to have a mission that is aligned with your core convictions and strength. Your mission is like the base of the lighthouse, and the light that shines from that lighthouse are all your other messages in tune and in alignment with just the people you're meant to serve.
Richard Rudd, who created the Gene Keys, calls it your fractal line. I like to think of it as your soul society, the people you are meant to serve. If you have your own business, you want to be attracting your exact dream clients to work with. Why? Because you've got to work with them, and you want to be on the same page. You want to have that synchronicity and like-mindedness.
fThe NEW Content Framework Masterclass
If you want to step out of the content closet and share what you're really meant to share, those strong convictions that you have to be holistically you in business, I invite you to come to The NEW Content Framework Masterclass.
Register for free here!
I am going to use the Gene Keys and Human Design to help you mine that lighthouse content.
If you know that you're here for a reason, that you have a purpose, an assignment that is uniquely yours with messages to share that are unique to you, I invite you to come to this free masterclass.
I'm also going to teach you practically how you can begin to organize your content in Canva so that you can bring it out on repeat because great marketing is repetitive.
We're going to really dive into the deep inner work to bring those messages out, and then we’ll get practical so that you can continue to use them over and over again.
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